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Thread: Interesting Steam happenings.

  1. #1
    Medicine Woman Aerowyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Interesting Steam happenings.

    So I was just on my PC here, doing some artwork, and a Steam IM message window comes up, and someone on my friends lists wants to voice chat.

    Well, for one thing, I don't have a mic here at college. Secondly, I don't know who the person was. I just don't remember. So I just hit ignore. But the keeps doing it.

    So finally I just click ok, and start the voice chat.

    Well doesn't he make phone-sexish noises. D: Ugh.

    Post your interesting steam IM chats/experiences here.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    ^Lol, I don't have any moments as classic as that!
    Edit:... And there's also the fact that I don't have Steam...
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  3. #3

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Some asshole tried to steal my account by changing his name to "automated messege" or something like that and the usual "We have noticed that there have been multiple IP's that have been logging on to your account, to verify that this is the real owner, please type in your username and password." After I reported his account and scanning through it and looking at the gaming history, I noticed that he had been in the same zombie mod server that I had left a few minutes ago. I then ask him Why an automated computer from Valve designed to gather information about accounts spend 3 hours playing counter strike source. He has yet to log back on and answer my question.
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  4. #4
    Medicine Woman Aerowyn's Avatar
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaDragon View Post
    Some asshole tried to steal my account by changing his name to "automated messege" or something like that and the usual "We have noticed that there have been multiple IP's that have been logging on to your account, to verify that this is the real owner, please type in your username and password." After I reported his account and scanning through it and looking at the gaming history, I noticed that he had been in the same zombie mod server that I had left a few minutes ago. I then ask him Why an automated computer from Valve designed to gather information about accounts spend 3 hours playing counter strike source. He has yet to log back on and answer my question.
    Yeah. I definitely got that message too. And I asked my friends, they said it was a crock of shit, so I just closed the message.

    Then the AUTOMATED MESSAGE SYSTEM tried to add me as a friend.

    What bullshit.
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  5. #5
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    I actually had a conversation with the automated message system.
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  6. #6
    I'm kind of a big deal. Emmzee's Avatar
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    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Someone once posed under the name VALVE EMPLOYEE, and asked for my password.

    Well, back in the day, I was a mad hacker at CS 1.6. Mostly walls and ESP. That account was VAC-banned forever. All it had on it was CS and DoD.

    So I gave him that account.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Horah for justice.
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  8. #8

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Someone once posed under the name Emmzee, and asked for my virginity.
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  9. #9
    Reloading! Terin's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: Interesting Steam happenings.

    Well, one of the most interesting happenings so far, is that I've been trying to get invited to a group, but Steam was being difficult, and it took a while. One day, though, I was told by the person trying to invite me "Alright, glad the invite finally got through." But I still hadn't gotten invited to it. Turns out, though, my evil clone did. - Me - Him

    Creepy. I have even played a game with him, and he said "Oh look, it's my dopple-ganger!" Although I asked, and he's the one with the goatee, so obviously he's the evil clone. That bastard.
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