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  1. #21
    VERY THIN ICE Stormwing's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread


    That's all that needs to be said.

    ....I deeply dislike anime and anime culture in general, but I'm a total mechahead. Other recent shows for me are Gundam 00 (pretty great), Macross Frontier (not terrible), and Code G(ay)ass (dumb fun, but goddamn those noodle people and the school hijinks need to stop). Just saw Gunbuster and Diebuster recently, working on Legend of the Galactic Heroes now.

    Other good shows:
    Dai-Guard (just for fun)
    Cowboy Bebop
    Gundam 0080 (amazing)
    Gundam 08th MS Team
    Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
    Macross Plus (best aerial dogfighting ever)
    Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (the initial quote, and yes it is awesome)
    MEGAS XLR (fuck yeah america)
    Last edited by Stormwing; June 22nd, 2008 at 09:09 PM.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member thehoodedsmack's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    Digimon, anyone?
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  3. #23
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    (Insert most popular anime's here)
    Also, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist and a lot of other stuff I don't feel like thinking of.

    A friend of mine is really into Elfen Lied. That anime is rather, er... explicit. Most violence/gore combined with nudity and really negative stuff like rape. Yeah... the story is good though. I feel like all of the extremely popular animes start to milk the cow after a while and end up ok, but turn out to be not anything special.

    Also, anime crack is fun...,3...no_stigma.html
    Last edited by ultama121; June 22nd, 2008 at 10:57 PM.
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  4. #24
    -barely sane- nooBBooze's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    I merely like Ghost in the Shell and some of the Animatrix stuff and pretty much despise every other animu since to me, they are all the same, well, safe for some minor color corrections to the various hairstyles.

    Btw I've recently watched some ridicoulous japanese movie called "Death Note" and it's only now that i realise that it's actually based on an anime. So while i thought this was the worst possible way of ruining a promising premise [some guy is able to kill literally anyone but instead of turning the world around by taking out the big shots he prefers to kill off some minor criminals], watching it knowing that it's a live action anime adaption explains alot.
    Last edited by nooBBooze; June 23rd, 2008 at 04:18 AM.
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  5. #25
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    I was brought into anime with DBZ. It was good until it got into namek and fights wound up being as long as entire previous seasons. I stopped caring about it after that. Gundam Wing caught my eye after that and held my heart until I found the original Gundam series. There, I realized Gundam Wing sucked as I started watching the rest of the Universal Century shows. Zeta especially is good stuff. It's really surprised me that Zeta hasn't been licensed for air time in the US. Seed started out as a good remake but turned out to be crap. Destiny started off amazing, but turned to utter suck before the first opening sequence change. Haven't watched any of the new series since then and probably wont until they make a full series length UC show.

    Since then, I've picked up Ghost in the Shell seasons 1 and 2 as well as the TV cannon movie. I love that universe. I've watched the two movies that aren't in cannon with the TV show and they're pretty good as well.

    Full Metal Alchemist was pretty entertaining. Probably one of the better casual shows with its great balance between its unique universe, character development, pacing, and plot development. The movie does a nice job at continuing the story while leaving it just as open ended as when the TV show left off.

    Deathnote is interesting, but it's the same damn thing every episode. If you watch the first five or six, you've seen the entire series; essentially.

    Code Geass is what I'm watching right now. A surprisingly good amount of fan service actually got me into it long enough for me to take a closer look at what was going on . In most animes, you typically have Japan as either non-existant, modern, or superpower. The fact that Japan is under occupation hooked me. It definitely uses super-characters that just pwn cannon fodder on a level that would bankrupt any post-WWII economy, but there's plenty that makes up for it. The season 1 finale was pretty good. I didn't know about season 2 at the time, so I was expecting it to literally end right there. I was mad at such an amazing finale. Season 2 hasn't been soo good. It's been a lot of rehashing character positions and not much plot development. Hopefully it'll pick up in the next 5 or so episodes.

    I've seen a ton of others, but those are the ones that stand out for me. Humorously enough, most of those have been aired in the US but I dont pay much attention to them. The voice acting typically doesn't pull in the emotional tones from the original audio and often completely substitutes lines with new dialog instead of simply translating. I.E., the english audio for Batou in GitS whenever he is being sarcastic is almost never the same as the japanes.

    I think Code Geass is actually playing on Adult Swim now. I should check in to see how the voice acting is going for it.
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  6. #26
    El Durado :/
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread


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  7. #27
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    The only anime I ever got into was Cowboy Bebop.

    Damn, all these show names sound so gay. xD
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  8. #28
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by n00b1n8R View Post
    The only anime I ever got into was Cowboy Bebop.

    Damn, all these show names sound so gay. xD
    You should imagine how bad the english show names are translated into japanese.
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  9. #29
    Splendid! ExAm's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    Hellsing Ultimate
    Ergo Proxy
    Desert Punk (If I could find some more goddamn episodes!)
    Ghost In The Shell

    Fullmetal Alchemist
    Death Note
    Full Metal Panic/The Second Raid (Fuck Fumoffu, don't touch that shit)
    Excel Saga (Ridiculously funny if you're in the right mindset)

    There are more... I just can't remember them
    Last edited by ExAm; June 23rd, 2008 at 06:27 AM.
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  10. #30
    Don't worry, Jelly's here Jelly's Avatar
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    Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread

    The first Anime I ever watched was Naruto, since I'd heard about it on the Internet and saw it on Jetix one day. Watched a few episodes and found that it was repeating the same episode every day of the week >_>
    Went to YouTube and watched the Eng Dubs up to Episode 81 and then Fansubs from then on. I watched every single episode, even the countless fillers and really boring episodes. I'm still following Naruto Shippuden, but, after watching other better shows, feel that it is just bad. I found Dattebayo's site and started watching Bleach. Every episode, again without missing fillers and boring ones, and I still follow it. I'm not sure why, because it's just not good any more.

    Past that, I've watched:
    Death Note, which I really enjoyed
    FLCL. Oh. My. God. That was the best anime I have ever watched. I've never been so satisfied with another show.
    Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which wasn't great, but was good to follow.
    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - but I think I watched the episodes in the wrong order. Was great fun anyway.
    Clannad, which was almost identical to Haruhi Suzumiya, but slightly sadder.

    I'm currently watching or following:
    Code Geass - It's like Death Note with robots
    Azumanga Daioh - But I've not really gotten interested yet.
    Gundam 08th MS - I've yet to start
    Evangelion - I've yet to finish downloading.
    Hayate no Gotoku! - I got the first episode to see what it was like, and enjoyed it, so I'll get the rest later.
    Fullmetal Alchemist - I've heard nothing but praise for this, so I'm hoping to enjoy it
    Excel Saga - Also heard praise for this.
    Elfen Lied - Violence and nudes :3
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