Dammit, why did they have to pull that bullshit at the end? Lucy died, right? So why is Kohta and everybody but Nana acting like nothing happened in the last scene? I'll repeat, what the fuck!? Did I miss something here? Jesus, I expected somebody to die at the end, but why did they have to pull that generic "wtf" horror movie ending.
Meh, I watched the ending again. Wasn't paying close enough attention. So I'm assuming Lucy came back at the end (she somehow survived?)and fixed the clock. But still, in the scene before that, why would she fight the police again? Whats to gain? I don't see how she could of gotten out of that alive, seeing as how the bullets got through the vectors enough to chip off her horn.
Quick review because I feel like it:
Bad ass violence.
Nudity.(not the loli crap)
Great story for the most part.
Awesome art, especially the into.
Theme song.
Nyu! Nyu! Nyu!
Starts out strong, then fades after episode 4 until near the end.
Lolicon creeps me out/is generically wrong. I mean, I understand the stuff vital to the story, but a lot of the time they were just finding excuses to get them naked.
Flashbacks started to piss me off.
What kind of little kids beat a puppy to death?
Overall: A-
I expected to give this a higher grade before getting towards the end of the series. All the faults aside though, it's still the best anime series I've ever seen.