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Thread: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

  1. #1
    For Auir! ODX's Avatar
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    'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    So Gametrailers finally reviewed Warhead:

    I'm a bit worried, now, that they didn't spend much time discussing the Multiplayer. Gametrailers normally spends more time talking about the best part, so this strikes me as odd. Is the Multiplayer really as good as people say it is?
    Last edited by Timo; November 22nd, 2010 at 05:49 PM.
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  2. #2
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    It's an improvement. Still has its problems, but most of those will go away when the supposed patch to allow servers to control prestige comes out.
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  3. #3

    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    i like it alot, and i suck at it.

    something about driving a guass tank around and blowing vtols out of the air never gets old.

    GET IT, i need people to play with that i know :o

    zeph, do you play it?
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  4. #4
    InnerHoaers mech's Avatar
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    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    I'm down for Wars pretty much anytime, bacon. MWLL buds will tag along to, we're pretty good.
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  5. #5

    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    :O are you ever on xfire or anything?
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  6. #6
    InnerHoaers mech's Avatar
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    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    Nope, I'll usually get on my pc at 10:00 am work on some mod stuff then play Crysis wars.
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  7. #7
    For Auir! ODX's Avatar
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    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    Quote Originally Posted by StankBacon™ View Post
    i like it alot, and i suck at it.

    something about driving a guass tank around and blowing vtols out of the air never gets old.

    GET IT, i need people to play with that i know :o
    WAIT?! THE VTOLS AND STUFF DON'T LAG AROUND?! No, I don't think it was my internet, because on both CoD4 and TF2, it's around 33-100. I'm going to blame the Netcode for the first Crysis, that OK? Also, it's a bit awkward with you actually wanting to play with me, since I 'botted' on CE, and it seems like you would hate me Bah, now I'm wondering about the anti-cheat in it. Also I won't get it, my brother will. He seems to like it more than me, but he has to drive about 1.5 more hours until he gets a liscensed because the damn people moved it up to 50 hours of driving I'm going to get Far Cry 2 and UT3, but don't worry, I'll find some time between staring at beautiful maps and running around in a 50 Kilometer open world to play with you.
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  8. #8

    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    for the most part, flying things dont lag at all, unless your in a really shitty server.

    i already have ut3, and im gonna get fc 2 too.. so :o

    also, i don't remember you botting or whatever so meh.
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  9. #9

    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    Quote Originally Posted by StankBacon™ View Post
    for the most part, flying things dont lag at all, unless your in a really shitty server.

    i already have ut3, and im gonna get fc 2 too.. so :o

    also, i don't remember you botting or whatever so meh.
    WHAT? We must burn the aimbotting filth!

    Except not.

    I'll probably get warhead when I get my new PC, but that's not likely going to be for a while now since I'm getting a new GBA flash cart first.
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  10. #10
    For Auir! ODX's Avatar
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    Re: 'Bout time Gametrailers, but what about Mutliplayer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooky View Post
    WHAT? We must burn the aimbotting filth!
    It was when I was a stupid 12 year old And Ganon was pissing me off, is that so uncommon to have Ganon piss off little kids? No matter, I already said this. I'll tell you when my brother gets Warhead, and I get Far Cry 2.
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