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Thread: Project Epsilon Public Beta

  1. #1
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Project Epsilon Public Beta

    I'm currently working on a single campaign level called "Epsilon". The campaign is based on a Freelancer who is implanted with a corrupted AI and goes rampant. You play as this freelancer as he fights his way through the military cruiser "Thor" which is currently orbiting around earth. Too beat the level you simply have to get to the escape pod on the side of the ship.

    Anyways I've finally finished scripting all of the AI and events so all that's left to do is build the cut scenes and balance the map. Since this kind of game play is really different from the original Halo campaign I decided to ask you guys to test the map and help me balance it out and make it easier or harder where ever need be.

    The game play I set up for this map is a lot more Cover based and is a bit more "tactical" than the standard halo campaign. Enemy's are a lot weaker but they move in groups and can do a lot of damage if they get a good shot at you. Too make up for the more difficult enemy's I shortened the recharge length for you shields.

    Currently there is just the standard weapon set on the map but I plan on adding a secondary grenade type to make up for the lack of plasma grenades and the 2 frag limit I placed on the map to stop people from spamming there way through the level. I'm also considering a making a power up to replace the flash light but I don't think I will unless I come up with something really cool.

    Here's the current set up of the map.
    \\Marines - Low Health, Inaccurate, Not to smart
    \\Armored Marines - Medium Health, Inaccurate, Smart enough to throw a grenades and dodge etc...
    \\Freelancers - Have shields and a lot of health, Very Accurate, Very smart, Come in many flavors like Cloaked and Rocket Launcher Wielding!

    Any one up for the beta post here I'll be uploading it tonight (Since the file is fucking 100 MB) and I'll link anyone I trust with the beta. I'll also post the source script so you guys can scan through it and tell me anyways I could improve it.

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  2. #2

    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    What the hell, this map sounds so fail and disgusting, Ill beta this just to write a bunch of ranted bullshit. >:[


    I would like to halp you with your mappy, Ill be a tester for you. However, if my computer/halo crashes, your problem when I rant you
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  3. #3
    *bump* ima_from_America's Avatar
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    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    I like the concept, if you need any help with anything not directly related to modeling/UV'ing/texxing/scripting/compiling, I can help.
    Last edited by ima_from_America; October 27th, 2008 at 09:21 PM.
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  4. #4

    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    Good luck, when you complete it you'll get my crit. Till then I'll add this topic to my 1000 others of the same ideas
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    I can has beta?
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  6. #6
    left halo
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    Ross Ross Ross

    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    ^this, This sounds like a map you would play with a br.
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  7. #7
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    B3ta u can haz! I'll send out beta's either Tuesday or Wednesday (hopefully Tuesday) There are some minors issues that need to be worked out before I send it out. (and a few more quests to complete in fable 2)
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  8. #8
    For Gnomejas sevlag's Avatar
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    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    sounds good, wouldn't recommend a BR on this as head shots to marines quickly dispose of them...

    GJ my friend
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  9. #9
    Taiko Drums = Win
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    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    Sounds great. I'd help you, but I'm pretty busy with school stuff, but I could pitch in a few animations every now and then, unless you want to use default.
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  10. #10

    Re: Project Epsilon Public Beta

    Sounds awesome, I'd love to support a single player mod. CE has too few of them.
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