[/code]Wouldn't it be a GetRootObject function, since it's while loops up the hierarchy?
looks like coding is the easy part
finding the CONSTANTS, on the other hand...
you're just arguing semantics tbh. If anything, GetRootParentObject would be a more appropriate name. If I'm a player and I get into a vehicle that vehicle is now my parent, but its not my root object since it's not part of me.
And yes, that is what I was trying to explain to people when they were like "oh is this and this possible??!11??". Anything is possible really...
As long as they provide a copy of their modified source, then yes they can. The GPLv3 license was applied so people can learn from other's developments. However I will consider individual people for closed-source releases as long as they talk to me first.
Hmm, WoL and I just tried running with the d3d9.dll in our ce root directory, and every time he tried joining my server, I got an exception. Not sure if it's a problem you weren't aware of or not, jut throwing it out there. d: