Epicness has been produced.
Awesome lightmapping method:
HaloCE's Lightmapping:
Awesome lightmapping method:
HaloCE's Lightmapping:
Awesome Lightmapping method:
HaloCE's Lightmapping:
Awesome Lightmapping method:
HaloCE's lightmapping method:
No competition.
As you can see. My method has:
- Raytracing
- Shadows for objects with transparency
- Softer GI
- Dithering
- Self illumination
- Shadows for scenery
- Physically correct lighting
Some things to know:
All of my major lightmaps are at 2048x2048. Minor lightmaps are at 1024x1024. Dithering is using the Floyd-Steinberg method. Lightmaps are in-fact baked in 3ds max 2009.
This tutorial was made with the use of VRAY and Ather, both are included in the tutorial
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