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Thread: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warning!)

  1. #11
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by PlasbianX View Post
    All our schools and this 'no child left behind' crap does is produce a bunch of mindless young adults who can't do much more than fill out a few worksheets. Our school systems seriously need reform. Our teachers care more about our abilities to read a worksheet than actually think for ourselves. What kind of a country is that? We need to produce more educated and informed young adults who can run this country in the future. I hate our school systems.

    All this ranting and complaining is great guys (no offense to you plas)

    But what are we doing about it to change the system? The reason everyone elected BO was for change but you know we don't really want change if we won't do our part in trying to change what it is we are complaining about.

    So tomorrow (assuming school is over today for everyone) you go to school and find out what it is you can change in your school district.

    And don't be a butthead about it, either. Teachers will just look at you and laugh at you as if you were a drop out if you stand there with pants falling down your butt cussing out at the system.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Rentafence's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    It's all a :conspiracy: to keep the population dumb!
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  3. #13

    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by PlasbianX View Post
    All our schools and this damn 'no child left behind' crap does is produce a bunch of mindless young adults who can't do much more than fill out a few worksheets. Our school systems seriously need reform. Our teachers don't care. What kind of a country is that? We need to produce more educated and informed young adults who can run this country in the future. I hate our school systems.
    FTFY. There are, of course, exceptions. The problem is that they shouldn't be exceptions.

    George Carlin had a pretty good explanation for the shitty system. Skip to about 1:08.

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    Perfect to put "mindless young adults who can't do much more than fill out a few worksheets" in a cubicle, right?
    Last edited by flibitijibibo; January 5th, 2009 at 03:21 PM.
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  4. #14
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by Shdwsnipa View Post

    Perfect to put "mindless young adults who can't do much more than fill out a few worksheets" in a cubicle, right?
    That's kind of retarded, as a blanket :conspiracy: against corporations imo.

    The corporation conspiracies have been overdone.

    Corporations want smart people who can make them money. The better you are in that corporation the more you get paid. If you're getting kicked around in a company know you're worth more you leave or join a Union.

    (even tho I would say Unions have outlived their usefulness)
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  5. #15
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by Shdwsnipa View Post
    ...It's what ranks L4D with Portal on my top 5 games evar; no two runs can be the same.

    and 2 teachers? I'm not so sure about you guys any more.
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  6. #16

    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by n00b1n8R View Post
    and 2 teachers? I'm not so sure about you guys any more.
    That's also a really good point. Like I said in my first post here, canned teachers really ought to be weeded out in a reformed system, if one were to ever exist. That way, going to a history class won't feel exactly the same as going to a math course, whether you like the subjects or not.
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  7. #17
    a bit of the old in-out Roostervier's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Wow, great post Ifafu. I agree with plenty of it. I'm also glad that you can help your students in that way.
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  8. #18
    nnh Ifafudafi's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    The hard part about about fixing any of this is the fact that there are just so many damn kids everywhere it's hard to give everyone the individual attention they need, or at least could really use. That, and taking the time and effort to allow each individual student to set up their necessary courses and performance goals as dictated by their interests is too much work; tests are quicker and easier.

    Now good luck convincing anyone important of that. The most I can do is what I'm already doing, but until sir big politician man manages to convince everybody that we need to change, nothing's going to happen.

    Blasted politics.
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  9. #19
    ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ CN3089's Avatar
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    Out of all the things I've learnt at school, I've probably only needed about 5% of it, minus the obvious reading/writing that you learn really young.
    Well yeah, you don't need to know about chemistry to flip burgers or pump gas for the rest of your life.
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  10. #20
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    Re: A small rant on the public education system. (Captain Obvious/Wall o' Text warni

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    Completely agree, your only learning to pass the stupid tests, not learning anything actually useful.

    Out of all the things I've learnt at school, I've probably only needed about 5% of it, minus the obvious reading/writing that you learn really young.

    If you were to ask me what K is in the periodic table, all I remember is I think its one of the ones that tricks to trick you, just like lead (I think is PB or something close)

    They need to make education more relative to life.
    school teaches you how to solve problems. that there are many ways to solve many different situations. it teaches you to apply whats learned in class (examples) to real life problems that you will be paid to solve.
    perhaps your teachers don't do a good enough job or you are just too stupid to realize that.
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