More awesome than I can handle in one session. Great work!
You Kerensky sympathizer =_=; Madcat! Loki! ... you got Hellhound right though So you're only 66% Clanner tainted
Originally Posted by Phopojijo You Kerensky sympathizer =_=; Madcat! Loki! ... you got Hellhound right though So you're only 66% Clanner tainted I used that designation for lack of a clan one; the Hellhound in Mech4 is very, very different from the "classic" Conjurer. And so what, Mechwarrior 2 was the first one I played and I got attached to the names E : Added sniper.
Last edited by teh lag; January 14th, 2009 at 08:00 PM.
timber wolf was always my favorite. gotta love the classics
Top one is freaking sick, so much detail must have taken you hours and hours. Props man.
I've always loved the timber wolf. My favorite out of all the other stupid looking mechs
Wow, I'm loving those sniper textures. Nice model, too. As for the Mechwarrior stuff, I have no knowledge of that, or modeling, so I'm just going to say, holy fuck that seems like lot of detail.
Originally Posted by Invader Veex Wow, I'm loving those sniper textures. Nice model, too. As for the Mechwarrior stuff, I have no knowledge of that, or modeling, so I'm just going to say, holy fuck that seems like lot of detail. Key word there Also updated with sphere and planes Meta Knight. I'll post something that took effort to model soon, I promise!
*looks at title* Was it an innergoat? By the way models are so :awesome: I think I had downs for a second.
Last edited by LinkandKvel; January 17th, 2009 at 06:06 AM.
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