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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #131
    Hey there! Llama Juice's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Oh... well that's shitty.

    'cause right now if I get that RAM and PSU that already brings me up to about $400...

    It's kinda sad realizing just how bad my machine is. hahaha

    If I install a new CPU I'll prolly need to format my HDD, won't I?... That'd probably mess up my OEM installer disks wouldn't it? *sigh*
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  2. #132
    creepin' Xetsuei's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    No you won't have to format the HD, I believe that is only if you install a completely new motherboard.
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  3. #133
    Hey there! Llama Juice's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Oh shibby

    I looked at my PSU, and yea.. only 300W like I figured.

    If I were to get a new CPU Xet, what would you suggest if I brought the price up to $200 (ish)?
    Last edited by Llama Juice; January 24th, 2009 at 06:38 AM.
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  4. #134
    Senior Member 343guiltymc's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Should I upgrade to a new PSU or just get a 9600 GT? Installing a PSU looks a little complicated.
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  5. #135
    Hey there! Llama Juice's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Just look at what your PSU plugs into on your current PC... not all that complicated.

    To actually replace one it's just unplug, and replug honestly.

    Then if you're all OMG WIRE MANAGEMENT then you can deal with that as well, but otherwise it's not that bad.
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  6. #136
    creepin' Xetsuei's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Llama Juice View Post
    Oh shibby

    I looked at my PSU, and yea.. only 300W like I figured.

    If I were to get a new CPU Xet, what would you suggest if I brought the price up to $200 (ish)?
    That gives me a lot more to work with.
    $189.99 Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 2.5GHz

    Plus PSU
    $64.99() OCZ ModXStream 600W

    And 2 or 4GB of RAM
    $24.99 Corsair 2x1GB DDR2 667
    $42.99 Corsair 2x2GB DDR2 667

    And lastly the GPU
    $134.99() MSI Radeon HD4850 512MB GDDR3
    (And another, if you want to spend a little more)
    $189.99 Sapphire Radeon HD4870 512MB GDDR5

    But again all you need is the GPU and PSU first. The rest you can get later if you wish, but I highly recommend it.

    E: Llama I'm gonna change the GPU from the 9800GTX to the HD4850. Just now looking at the 3dmark06 scores and it performs a little better than the 9800GTX, and since it's ATi image quality will also be better. I recommend you get the $134.99 one I put above (or unless you want to spend a little more and get the HD4870). Uses less power too, but you're still gonna need a new PSU.
    Last edited by Xetsuei; January 24th, 2009 at 07:44 PM.
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  7. #137
    Hey there! Llama Juice's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    "scores a little better"

    Yea, but does it score $50 better?

    I think I'll stick with the cheaper one :P

    Also.. I have 4 DIMM slots... having my old RAM in there along with the new stuff couldn't possibly hurt could it? I know you were saying it's cheap stuff... but it shouldn't have any negative influence on it should it?

    E: And that 600W PSU isn't available to purchase yet :P
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  8. #138
    creepin' Xetsuei's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Llama Juice View Post
    "scores a little better"

    Yea, but does it score $50 better?

    I think I'll stick with the cheaper one :P

    Also.. I have 4 DIMM slots... having my old RAM in there along with the new stuff couldn't possibly hurt could it? I know you were saying it's cheap stuff... but it shouldn't have any negative influence on it should it?

    E: And that 600W PSU isn't available to purchase yet :P
    I meant the HD4850 ($134.99()) when I said all that, and it's cheaper than the 9800GTX. No, don't use your current RAM with the new stuff, motherboards are pretty picky about that kind of stuff. By cheap I meant the RAM has gotten really cheap, not that it's bad. Also, just wait for the PSU to become available, it's a great bang for the buck.
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  9. #139
    Hey there! Llama Juice's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    So if I have both my two 2GB cards, and my two 1GB cards I will have lower performance than if I just had the two 2GB cards? Really?

    That's weak...

    Oh, and you'd still get that HD4850 over the 9800 even though the 9800 comes with COD:WaW?
    Last edited by Llama Juice; January 24th, 2009 at 08:41 PM.
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  10. #140
    creepin' Xetsuei's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Ok, you just completely lost me. If I'm reading correctly, you think that one 2GB stick of DDR2 667 RAM will not perform as well as two 1GB sticks of DDR2 667 RAM, which is not true.

    If you mean that it will decrease your performance if you use the new ram with your old ram, no. The computer won't even turn on.
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