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Thread: No.

  1. #71
    got dam forumers.... SnaFuBAR's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathen View Post
    If these new members would grow some balls and stand up (not be little uppity cunts...just hold their own opinion) to the wills of the upper classmen of this forum then the whole place would flow better.
    So you want the new members to stand up to veteran artists and ignore the crit? If anything, they need to grow some balls and learn that this is not a site for congratulating every attempt at 3d or 2d work. Grow some balls and learn when you're not as great as you thought you were. Grow some balls and accept that if you're being told what's wrong with your work, you need to learn how to rectify it if you're serious about it.
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  2. #72

    Re: No.

    I believe I have come with a very fitting solution to this problem..
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  3. #73
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    The problem is lately people assume anything random is funny. Its not. I agree with you lag, last month or do the quality of posts has been shocking. I dont understand all the /b/ shit, but frankly it should be left at /b/.

    Even in RL, I've noticed people in my class acting like dicks, laughing at the most stupidiest random shit and its just not fucking funny anymore.

    I hate asslickers, and new people who pretend to be like other people.

    About crit. Personally older members know more about their subjects and I take their crit into account more, if I post a model and Snaf replies saying pfft its basically shit. I'll be like "well its a tad harsh but snaf knows his stuff, hes been doing it ages and hes probably right." If some guy whos only been a week here replies with exactly the same, I'll probably bitch at him and ignore his crit.

    Sometimes its not what you say, its who is saying it.

    I bet if I made this very thread, a ton of people would be bitching at the opinon. Mainly because alot of people who have replied saying they also agree are the ones we are talking about.
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  4. #74
    am I an oldfag yet? Heathen's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    Quote Originally Posted by SnaFuBAR View Post
    So you want the new members to stand up to veteran artists and ignore the crit? If anything, they need to grow some balls and learn that this is not a site for congratulating every attempt at 3d or 2d work. Grow some balls and learn when you're not as great as you thought you were. Grow some balls and accept that if you're being told what's wrong with your work, you need to learn how to rectify it if you're serious about it.
    With the ball growing part I meant more to stop bending to the opinions of others and hold your own opinions.

    I will see someone say they dont like something, I will say its great, and then they will IM me saying they really liked it but didn't want to say so.

    Thats a damn shame.

    But yes you are right, but thats less growing balls and more maturing....unless your speaking literally about growing balls. That IS connected to maturity.
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  5. #75
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    Who exactly did that Heathen?
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  6. #76
    "Think Different" Masterz1337's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    TBH, I've always been on the opposite end of people beliving crit is important.

    The majority of people who come to this forum want to show what they've done and what they're doing with it. They don't care about the quality, as long as they are having fun doing it. Personally, I fall into that category of people (although I am no artist), but I enjoy making something of high quality, and I have fun doing it. I had fun working on everything else I did, and I have no regrets about the final product even though it can be considered mediocre.

    If someone wants crit, they'll ask for it. If they want to make a crummy BR model because they enjoy the process of getting something in game or are just trying to get a general feel of the work flow, that's fine too.

    Not to single out Snaf and Dano, but not every poster really cares or even should care about your opinions as a professional. They'll ask for it if they want it. Leet does this, you'll never see someone mistake his crit as a bash or being an asshole, because he only gives it to people who ask, or imply they're wanting to improve.

    Let's take both Leet, Dano, and Lag as examples. None of their skills came from the crit most people on the forums receive. There wasn't one weapon, where they revised and tweeked until it was perfect. Their skills came as an evolution of their self evaluations.

    The biggest jump in quality of Dano's skills (IMO), was through things he learned from his own expierence and exploration. Take a look at the pictures of the Ma5k compared to brute shot, or brute shot to spiker.

    Take a look at Lag's animation's from his flashbang video to what he had in SPv1, to Mpv1, to MPv2. As far as I can remember, no forum crit was required there. The same goes to Leet as well.

    Tbh, forum crit is garbage and anti productive unless someone asks for it. If someone has a block model of a pistol, unless you specifically tell them what tools and stratagies to use on how to remake the model, or make it better, don't post.

    The rule of thumb I use on the forums is not "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it," but rather "If you don't have anything productive to say, don't post it."

    Most people don't care about being a pro, like me, and if I don't, why would you expect any regular member to?
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  7. #77
    am I an oldfag yet? Heathen's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    Who exactly did that Heathen?
    Well, that dark kid for one. Whoever he was...

    Its happened before but idk who it was.
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  8. #78
    Join Date
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    Re: No.

    Heh, its funny in an unfortunate way to see how much spam and poor members this forum attracts. Its a shame to see this going on and unfortunately this will probably happen again, but I feel the truly intelligent members of the community will shine through no matter what happens. An example of this is pretty much every thread like this.
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  9. #79
    am I an oldfag yet? Heathen's Avatar
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    Re: No.

    Their's like 4 of these threads atm.
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  10. #80

    Re: No.

    Not to be a douche, but I really don't think this thread will change anything. I have seen similar situations like this on alot of sites I go on and it never works out. If it does thats awesome, but It's just hard to completely change someones personality by one thread.
    *Waits for -REP because people don't agree with me...*
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