If you can't do it, then the fuck is the point of SLI besides extending your e-peen? It only increases performance at higher resolutions... If you're outputting on multiple monitors, that's obviously a higher resolution than a single monitor.
Edit: Oh, now I see where I was mistaken... You can use three graphics cards and use a single port on each card for each monitor, but they can't be in SLI... I could do 6 displays with three cards actually... However you're right, when SLI is enabled it will only let you output to a single monitor because multi-monitor support isn't currently supported. I'm sure it will be in future drivers though...
Edit Edit: Wait... I just saw a thread on the Nvidia forums where I saw a Tri-SLI setup running three monitors... What gives...
Edit Edit Edit: The Forceware 180.XX+ drivers have SLI Multi-Monitor Spanning supported from what I've read, gawd you guys, you're confusing me.
Edit Edit Edit Edit: Nevermind, all this SLI information is contradictory and retarded... I give give up trying to find a solution online.
Last edited by Cortexian; February 17th, 2009 at 04:56 AM.
Had a PC at work that was from Gateway, Core i7 920, 9GB RAM, 2xHD 4870's running on a 30" LCD at 2560x1600. It couldn't run on anything higher than Medium settings... I spent half a shift trying to get it working properly, but all the bloatware was bogging the system down to much...
Also, I don't want one really big monitor, it's cheaper to get three 24"'s here than it is to get a 30" (even with my discount at work). Plus, larger monitors GENERALLY have higher response times.
Also, I can run Crysis maxed at 1920x1200 with 2xAA now and get an average of 26 FPS... Yehs!
I said Quad Crossfire. Two HD 4870s are not Quadfire, that's just regular Crossfire; you need two HD4870 X2s or two HD4850 X2s for Quadfire. The only thing capable of beating out two HD 4870 X2s are two GTX295s, and i7 scales better with ATi cards than with nVidia (with nVidia, it bottlenecks).
If you want to SLI / Tri-SLI on 3 monitors then you should look into a TH2go digital. They max out at 3x 1680x1050 at 57Hz I believe.
Otherwise you keep your one strong card, and get a cheap POS to drive the 3rd screen like I do and let SoftTH do the rest.
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