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Thread: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

  1. #311
    Junior Member
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I only registered just to post this.

    It's a nice source Korn, though it's very poorly documented. I had to search around to even figure out which address is which in the engine pointer functions.

    It's a pity to say that you basically wasted your time with this. Not many on this forum are even capable of programming in C++ and even if they can, it requires an extensive knowledge of not only the language itself but also about the engine.

    I would be able to use the source but I would not because I, like many developers, prefer to write my own style of code (even though yours would be more clean, efficient etc.). So, for whom did you write this?
    If it's meant for the general public so they can call the ToggleMultiTeamVehicles() function and say that they coded a proxy dll, then you don't really have my support.

    It took us months, even years to figure out stuff like this why should we (you) open the doors so easily? This source code and how it's handled shows very well that not the resources given make a great product but the dedication and intentions behind it. It would have been better that you mapped out the engine, documented parts and how they worked.

    I don't want to show off but if I am already here...similar to Bitters:
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  2. #312
    Project Sapphire Modder Rhydgaled's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    It's a nice source Korn, though it's very poorly documented. I had to search around to even figure out which address is which in the engine pointer functions.

    It's a pity to say that you basically wasted your time with this. Not many on this forum are even capable of programming in C++ and even if they can, it requires an extensive knowledge of not only the language itself but also about the engine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kornman00 View Post
    Right now I'm still working on the User Manual. You can of course go ahead and start browsing the source code, I suggest starting in "Main.cpp"
    UPDATE: Expect the first draft of the User Manual in the Thanksgiving timeframe
    By the looks of it a user manual was/is planned. If and when this is released maybe extensive knowledge about the engine won't be so necessary to any developers interested in using Open Sauce. Although at present I would be way out of my depth if I went looking at the Open Sauce code, I expect I would take a good look at the user manual in the hope of understanding enough to make a stab at doing somthing with the sauce (I probablly wouldn't understand enough, but I think it would be worth a try).

    EDIT: Eluveitie, I just watched your gravity gun video and thought "Forge", it isn't exactly like Forge, and personally I don't see the point in making Forge for HALO Custom Edition anyway (we have Sapien, far more powerfull tool (although 3d weapon placement for netgame equipment would be nice)). That said I've seen some topics (probably on halomaps) asking for a Forge mode to be made for CE, which is why I decided to bring this up.
    Last edited by Rhydgaled; March 29th, 2009 at 05:15 AM. Reason: Watched the gravity gun video
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  3. #313
    TCTF Cult ****** bobbysoon's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    I had to search around to even figure out which address is which in the engine pointer functions.
    if you share your findings, then
        Open Sauce += engine function pointer table
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  4. #314
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Wouldn't u like to know?

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhydgaled View Post
    EDIT: Eluveitie, I just watched your gravity gun video and thought "Forge", it isn't exactly like Forge, and personally I don't see the point in making Forge for HALO Custom Edition anyway (we have Sapien, far more powerfull tool (although 3d weapon placement for netgame equipment would be nice)). That said I've seen some topics (probably on halomaps) asking for a Forge mode to be made for CE, which is why I decided to bring this up.
    Kirby was working on it last I heard. In fact, he has a few things scripted. Like moving rocks etc. around.

    I just bought a C++ book for beginners and am about halfway through it so hopefully I will at least be able to understand what's going on on a rudimentary level.
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  5. #315
    got dam forumers.... SnaFuBAR's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    It took us months, even years to figure out stuff like this why should we (you) open the doors so easily?
    I don't see a reason why he shouldn't share the info so openly. Just because you've been grasping at it for years, you're asshurt about it? Get fucking real. Kindly fuck/kill you're saelf.
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  6. #316
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I'm on my iPod

    I released to see if things would take off. While I normally am very closed source with even "close friends" when it comes to Blam!, I was finding it harder to justify continued development. I hoped with a developer base to give the demand I could continue the supply part. However things didn't take off. The plan was to even go as far as adding Yelo Xbox to OS. There were tools made for h1 that I was in the process of porting to work with h2 xbox/pc, like the custom tag definition util.

    Really it comes down to finding reason to continue on the old when I still have new works (h3,Torque,etc) which I also have to dedicate time to. I'm VERY stingy with my time and how it's spent. I consider it money even when it doesn't bank in anything, to help keep focused.
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  7. #317
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by SnaFuBAR View Post
    Get fucking real. Kindly fuck/kill you're saelf yourself. (dyslexia much?)
    Seems like Korn and me have to commit suicide then. You shouldn't talk about a subject you don't know anything about. And no, don't even compare this to 3d modeling.
    Last edited by Eluveitie; March 31st, 2009 at 08:01 AM.
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  8. #318

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    It took us months, even years to figure out stuff like this why should we (you) open the doors so easily?
    You sound as stupid as the people who cried about Bungie revealing the secrets of Halo 3 screenshots :\
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  9. #319
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    It took us months, even years to figure out stuff like this why should we (you) open the doors so easily? This source code and how it's handled shows very well that not the resources given make a great product but the dedication and intentions behind it. It would have been better that you mapped out the engine, documented
    The engine is becoming old and outdated. While I always try to keep bungie's IP that I uncover underwraps, I also get sick at the wasted oppertunity that was available for crafting a mature nodding environment plus community. The engine towers over the other moddable engines. I only agree with open source to a certian extent, and opening up and documenting a engine that isn't mine is out of the question. There are engine aspects still in use by the latest Blam! albiet not the same implementation from h1. I only chose the parts which I thought wouldn't jeperdize the integrity and confidentiality of today's engine.

    To top it off I get sick of seeing the engine disgraced with the typical shit produced from copycats (a la HMT). Maybe that helps your "why now?" question. Keeping your 'high seat' shouldn't interfear with trying to correct the problems at hand. Leave that to the bullshit politics.
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  10. #320
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Sorry, have to use my iPod for replying still. Not the best foruming method
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