Cool cool!
Just out of curiosity, why did you guys decide to go the proxy route and not hook some engine draw functions for your app? I only seen a video, so I'm unaware of how far you went with drawing. Was it just the fact that it's an easy route to get your dll injected? I'm currently going the VMT route, by grabbing Halo static device pointer, which I think is triple pointer deep:
IDirect3DDevice9*** pHaloDevice = (IDirect3DDevice9***)0x0071D09C; //halopc
vTable_D3D9* vD3D9 = (vTable_D3D9*)**pHaloDevice;
I only have console output hooked and haven't yet reversed any other drawing functions, which is why I'm still playing with EndScene lol.
As for a modified Strings DLL, did you guys have to reverse and rewrite it? Is it a possibility to add in a LoadLibrary call to Strings DllMain to load your own DLL?
Just trying to chisel info outta ya, a great cure for my boredom!