I've been working on reversing all the tag structures including all the tag blocks (bleh) using guerilla.. I wanted to ask if you would give me advice on the best way to implement them in C++. This is for my devkit thing, but I was going to use it for this modding tool I want to develop. It's an in game tool, so I will be able to use pointer power. -> fo life! Right now I'm not even wanting to think about file operations, but will implement some save features in far distance future. I notice you did a lot of template type stuff in your sauce, but I couldn't really understand exactly what was going on. Since the tagblock count is always different, would it be a good idea to use STL Vector templates to access tag blocks through pointers? Example of what I would want to do:
where Units is defined as:
TagBlock<AnimationTriggerUnits> Units;
I hope this makes sense and the above is just suedo, I know very little about templates and know nothing about STL, yet. Thanks for your time