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Thread: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

  1. #351
    Codesaurus Skarma's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I've been working on reversing all the tag structures including all the tag blocks (bleh) using guerilla.. I wanted to ask if you would give me advice on the best way to implement them in C++. This is for my devkit thing, but I was going to use it for this modding tool I want to develop. It's an in game tool, so I will be able to use pointer power. -> fo life! Right now I'm not even wanting to think about file operations, but will implement some save features in far distance future. I notice you did a lot of template type stuff in your sauce, but I couldn't really understand exactly what was going on. Since the tagblock count is always different, would it be a good idea to use STL Vector templates to access tag blocks through pointers? Example of what I would want to do:

    where Units is defined as:
    TagBlock<AnimationTriggerUnits> Units;

    I hope this makes sense and the above is just suedo, I know very little about templates and know nothing about STL, yet. Thanks for your time
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  2. #352
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Don't use std::vector. The TagBlock<T> class I defined allows for accessing a tag_block's data via an indexer or via the 'Definitions' field. The tag memory has already been managed prior to the cache being built, so you don't need to do (or rather you shouldn't be doing) any memory operations on the tag data besides accessing. No adding or deleting. Unless you really know what you're doing.

    Basically the tag definition memory should always be treated as read-only.
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  3. #353
    Codesaurus Skarma's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I think you understood me backwards KM! I don't want to mess with the tagblock definition. I want to use it to my advantage to access the tagblocks so I can read and display and possibly edit the information in the existing tagblocks. In my example, I was using the 'Count' variable as an indexer/array element to the array of constant sized structures pointed to by the tagblock pointer. I don't want to manage anything myself, I just want to define everything so I can use pointers to my advantage and grab info. Would you be interested in helping me at all?

    I looked through your code a bit more.
    _global_yelo = Instances()[tag_index].Definition<project_yellow_group>();
    That is very similar to what I'm going after, except project_yellow_group will be replaced with any tagblock. Your template definition for Definition() is confusing to me. I don't understand it fully yet. Does it just return a pointer to whatever the tagblock type is by type casting? What if I want to access the 5th instance in that tagblock?

    Edit: I got it working using a template! Woot!
    I would still enjoy your 2 cents though. I will PM you the project, since I have not yet attached any GPL nor credits to it yet. Don't feel obligated though.
    Last edited by Skarma; April 18th, 2009 at 02:12 PM.
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  4. #354
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Check your PMs

    That code retrieves a tag definition instance. While internally in the engine tools a tag definition is treated as a tag block, when you access them in Yelo its not the same way you would a tag_block as they always have an owning tag definition.

    PHP Code:
    const gameplay_game_type_playertype_definition 
    That is really all there is to accessing a tag block's specific element. If "type_index" was '4' then you would be accessing the 5th instance.
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  5. #355
    TCTF Cult ****** bobbysoon's Avatar
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    Re: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

    did someone mention vertex shaders?
    I think I found something relevant to that: Vertex Shader Architecture (scroll down 1/3~1/2)
    There it is, should someone feel up to it.
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  6. #356

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by p0lar_bear View Post
    More like Make-Your-Own-Yelo for 1.08.
    oh please god
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  7. #357

    Re: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

    I can't seem to get it to work.

    I installed Visual Studio C++ 2005, along with the DirectX update just a few minutes ago.

    For whatever reason, I get 28 errors when building the solution.

    It asks for "windows.h" and "d3dx9math.h"

    I know I installed both the SDK and C++, I dont see why this is happening.

    Also, I got the 1350EST download.
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  8. #358
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

    Doesn't sound like your VC++ include directories are setup. Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions. The paths to the platform sdk and dx9sdk should be in there.

    Also, this is the actual full VS05 and now VC++ Express right?

    As long as you didn't modify the vcproj which came with the source there shouldn't be any problems. The fact that its bugging you about not finding windows.h isn't right tho...make sure your include directories are setup correctly.
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  9. #359

    Re: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

    Last edited by CodeBrain; May 26th, 2009 at 07:38 PM.
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  10. #360

    Re: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

    Got everything I needed, however, a new challenger arises to stop me once again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Visual C++ 2005
    1>Creating library J:\LAPTOP\Halo Custom Edition\OpenSauce\bin\Debug\Halo1_CE\d3d9.lib and object J:\LAPTOP\Halo Custom Edition\OpenSauce\bin\Debug\Halo1_CE\d3d9.exp
    1>d3d9.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:Halo1_CE.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'J:\LAPTOP\Halo Custom Edition\OpenSauce\bin\Debug\Halo1_CE\d3d9.dll'; ignoring directive
    1>TextBlock.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__SetRect@20 referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Yelo::TextBlock::Refresh(void)" (?Refresh@TextBlock@Yelo@@QAEXXZ)
    1>J:\LAPTOP\Halo Custom Edition\OpenSauce\bin\Debug\Halo1_CE\d3d9.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
    1>Build log was saved at "file://J:\LAPTOP\Halo Custom Edition\OpenSauce\bin\Debug\Halo1_CE\out\BuildLog. htm"
    1>Halo1_CE - 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
    Looks like in textblock.obj (which is in \OpenSauce\Halo1_CE\Interface\, both TextBlock.cpp and TextBlock.hpp) is failing on a symbol related problem.

    No edits were done to the file, or anything in general.
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