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Thread: Seven ate Nein...

  1. #141

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Sorry to be "that guy" but is there any news on this project, it's been two weeks since the original release date. I kinda wish there never was a CE update so I could have a taste of sauce.

  2. #142
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I finished updating the client side of things earlier this week, all I need to do next is the server based updates to the code, but I'll be out of town this up coming weekend so I won't be able to touch the code (or rather, I won't be bringing my computer so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to ;p).

  3. #143

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Ahh, awesome. Thanks for the update, I appreciate it.

  4. #144
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornamn00 View Post
    ...I don't know how you thought that up from that bullet, but in order for that to happen you have to have something to somehow sync that doesn't just *poof* happen. If the networking extensions ever get completed then you can easily add support for syncing machine state changes, but as far as AI're better off buying a 360 and Halo 3.
    Could you make AI sync in Halo 2?
    As far as I'm aware, the AI does sync, but the animations,voices and (most) scripts do not sync. so is there anything you can fix?
    Also could you add a feature to switch the respawn system?
    I want to change the MP respawn system to the SP co-op respawn system.
    These would be great for making H2V online co-op maps.

  5. #145
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    This is for Halo CE, not Halo 2 by the way. Judging from your post, I guess you didn't know that.

    Welcome to the forums by the way.

  6. #146
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotrod View Post
    This is for Halo CE, not Halo 2 by the way. Judging from your post, I guess you didn't know that.

    Welcome to the forums by the way.
    I was aware, I was just asking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornamn00
    The In-Your-Pants excitement doesn't stop there though. While the first release of Open Sauce will contain joyful collections of HaloCE resources, one of the other goodies we also have in store is for Halo 2 (Xbox), which is scheduled for inclusion in at least the second major release of Open Sauce. I don't want to spoil the entire surprise of what you can look forward to in the coming months, so I'll leave some of the more juicy details for the first release post.

  7. #147
    is pointing at his post Evil_Monkey's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Originally Posted by Kornamn00
    Blah blah
    Halo 2 (Xbox) blah blah

  8. #148
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shock120 View Post
    Could you make AI sync in Halo 2?
    As far as I'm aware, the AI does sync, but the animations,voices and (most) scripts do not sync. so is there anything you can fix?
    Also could you add a feature to switch the respawn system?
    I want to change the MP respawn system to the SP co-op respawn system.
    These would be great for making H2V online co-op maps.
    The entire AI system doesn't sync nor do I have the time to accomplish something to make the game allow for it. Time would be better spent on researching Halo 3 which already has everything in place

    I'm not really following you on switching the respawn systems. Each game engine system (ie, CTF) has its own code judging how the player will respawn, so you'd have to override respawn code on a per-engine basis. Not hard to do if you know how to reverse engineer and code.

    There is nothing targeting H2V in Open Sauce.

    This also isn't for requesting new "features". Whats included in the Open Sauce codebase has already been decided. Nothing further will be added to the first release unless its related to code fixes.

  9. #149
    am I an oldfag yet? Heathen's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    I say you eat the next person that asks a question.

  10. #150
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Ok Heathen, you're stealing my thing of eating people, I'm the one that always says things about eating people

    And I guess I must have skipped over the part where you mentioned Halo 2 support.
    So, can we feed Heathen to himself for stealing my thing?

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