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Thread: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

  1. #61
    "Think Different" Masterz1337's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcap got l4d from Rossmum :D View Post
    Everyone is wrong about the update. :|

    Ok, here's my findings from the little experiment I just ran:

    There is absolutely no one on 1.0(4) who can say they never knew of an update. The fact is that they DID update their game before copying over the crack.

    What gives you a list of servers and checks for your version is haloce.exe. When the game checks for an update, it will check a VALUE IN THE REGISTRY which is updated by haloupdate.exe with every update applied and it will relay to the UI whether the game is up-to-date or not. The UI is irrelevant in this (because I doubt many in 1.0(4) even know they can replace their UI).

    If the version number matches what Gearbox says is the latest, then it will pass you through. If the value is anything less, REGARDLESS of what version haloce.exe you are using, the game will tell you to update.

    To sum up what I did:
    When I use an older exe and 1.08 in the registry, it doesn't tell me to update.
    When I use an older exe and 1.00 in the registry, it tells me to update.
    Finally, when I use an updated exe and 1.00 in the registry, it tells me to update.

    What people do is they update their game and then copy in the crack. It's their fault, and there is absolutely no excuse.
    Did a check on my laptop after reading this, turns out it did have 1.08 installed, even though I don't recall playing it since I built my desktop. Your post is correct, there's no reason to debate that aspect of it anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornman00 View Post
    Then I see no reason fixing tool\haloce anytime soon
    TBH, the only people that need it to be "fixed" are rob and Zteam, and they both would put it to better use than us. I'm real tired of people expecting us to do everything we can or holding us accountable for "Saving" the game or "improving" it. It's really not that far off from the kids who claim we're starving the community by not releasing our tags, except people here actually want us to put in extra work so they can play a version of the game that frankly, they are the majority playing. I don't have a problem doing small things like advertising the installer idea or giving 1.08 boarding, we are helping, even if some people on the team don't give 2 shits about what version people are playing.

    If people want to start getting players to 1.08, maybe the first step to take, would be to get that damned Delta Halo ui out, and let all those people out there who use a custom ui that doesn't check for updates upgrade to delta and then upgrade to 1.08. Sounds to me like that's a start. Take some responsibility and show some initiative (not singling out delta ui team here) and if you think this is such a huge issue with people not playing 1.08, DO something about it and contribute to the solution, and stop trying to make us solve your problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by Choking Victim View Post
    Zteam has been looking into it, there's no reason to ruin everyone elses chance at getting something entirely useful because someone was too ignorant and full of pride to accept such an offer. Would you be interested in helping us? We've already bypassed the errors in tool.
    Glad I know I'm ignorant for not wanting to use OS on a project that is in it's finishing stages that no one wants to work on anymore. If we did use it, people would complain we weren't taking advantage of it when all we would do is release the mod as it is now.
    Last edited by Masterz1337; May 7th, 2009 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #62

    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    TBH, the only people that need it to be "fixed" are rob and Zteam.
    No, the entire community can benefit. Don't ruin it for everyone else because you choose not to use it.

  3. #63
    "Think Different" Masterz1337's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    How many people other than kiddies who rip and try to stuff everything in a box map get tags space/slot errors?

    Not to shift the blame to Kornman, but why should it be our fault for stunting the community's growth when it's him who said he won't do unless we do it. You want us to make a sacrifice and get upset when we don't want to, but you don't have a problem with Kornman saying he won't sacrifice his time to make it when supposedly everyone can benefit. The reason you don't is because he works with Zteam, unlike us.

  4. #64
    Buffalo Berry L0d3x's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    I can't believe what I'm reading here, it's like you're blackmailing us.

  5. #65

    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by L0d3x View Post
    I can't believe what I'm reading here, it's like you're blackmailing us.
    Woa wait... what?

  6. #66
    Buffalo Berry L0d3x's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Eh I hope I didn't use the wrong word there, I'm just a (cool) european. What I mean is that, "if cmt doesn't use this, nobody will", is lame.

  7. #67
    "Think Different" Masterz1337's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    What Lodex means is that the current situation is that people are upset that we are going to stunt the growth of the community because Kornman won't release an updated OS that will expand the game's memory limits, unless CMT uses it in SPV2. Which is clearly we don't want to do.

  8. #68
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    Not to shift the blame to Kornman, but why should it be our fault for stunting the community's growth when it's him who said he won't do unless we do it. You want us to make a sacrifice and get upset when we don't want to, but you don't have a problem with Kornman saying he won't sacrifice his time to make it when supposedly everyone can benefit. The reason you don't is because he works with Zteam, unlike us.
    It has nothing to do with Zteam. I never even gave that a consideration. His work would benefit you more than anyone else, which is why you're retarded for not taking the opportunity. Maybe he will still release something, but it wouldn't be as effective as if it was released with your mod. It would be about as widespread as the Yelo release was. Not many outside of this forum had knowledge of it. If that was a super-significant update that people started taking advantage of to make maps (like hijacking), then not many would know of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    Glad I know I'm ignorant for not wanting to use OS on a project that is in it's finishing stages that no one wants to work on anymore. If we did use it, people would complain we weren't taking advantage of it when all we would do is release the mod as it is now.
    It's not like it would actually break anything; it would only help. As from what I know, it's still in development and it's not even close to too late to change what you just implemented. Hell, it would even take some stress off of trying to cram everything in to make sure it all fits in the limits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    If people want to start getting players to 1.08, maybe the first step to take, would be to get that damned Delta Halo ui out, and let all those people out there who use a custom ui that doesn't check for updates upgrade to delta and then upgrade to 1.08. Sounds to me like that's a start.
    So many problems with this idiotic argument. First, it would have absolutely no influence on 1.04 players. Second, it doesn't check for updates automatically (that's in the settings menu, and as we know from my research which you confirmed, they upgrade before downgrading because they are douchebags). Third, it doesn't take advantage of OS because there is simply no reason to. Hell, maybe I'll make it 1.08 only for shits and giggles to piss you and them off. I don't care if it doesn't reach the faggots of 1.04; they don't count.

    ...Or you can release SPv2 for 1.08. Sounds to me like that's an even better start.

  9. #69
    Senior Member teh lag's Avatar
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    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    You can save your breath trying to change my mind. Even if Korn was to send me and updated OS with no restrictions right now I wouldn't use it.

    I'm sticking by my post.
    You're being too stubborn. I think we could benefit a lot more than you're making it out to be from lifted limits on tagspace, slots, scripts, and all that. As much as we've added, we've also had to cut an assload of things because of them; no they're not NECESSARY, but they're the little things that are nice to have. Stuff like...

    -The A10 Hangar cutscene.
    -The Maw Legendary cutscene.
    -Vehicle damage debris.
    -Marine corpses/allies in C40.
    -Scorpion in B40 (just the other day we were talking about how to cut down its size to fit it in).
    -Fancy boarding anims.
    -Weapons in all the levels; I don't believe that you can honestly say it wouldn't be nice to not have to worry about cutting weapons out so the map will work.

    More times than I can count you and I have talked about ways to shave a few more tags or a little more space off of... just about every level. I don't like making those cuts and I'm sure you don't either. I just don't see wider distribution and ease of access as a good enough reason to pass up not having to deal with this.

    Not to mention all the tag finessing I've had to do on our last few additions (for example, the wraiths using a single coll and anim tag) so we won't have to worry about these problems happening to them. Our tagset will only grow from now until release and we're going to have to cut out more and more stuff to get it to fit in. Not to mention that mapsize is getting to be its own problem. It's going to get worse as we finish our content and the "extra" stuff like skins for previously untextured things get added in.

    I'd rather leave people in the dark (which isn't even permanent, given that all they need to do is update the game and place a .dll in their folder) than lower the quality of our mod for something that can be worked around.

  10. #70

    Re: CMT, Tagspace, tagslots, script space, and version numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post
    How many people other than kiddies who rip and try to stuff everything in a box map get tags space/slot errors?

    Not to shift the blame to Kornman, but why should it be our fault for stunting the community's growth when it's him who said he won't do unless we do it. You want us to make a sacrifice and get upset when we don't want to, but you don't have a problem with Kornman saying he won't sacrifice his time to make it when supposedly everyone can benefit. The reason you don't is because he works with Zteam, unlike us.
    What sacrifice are you making? He offered to make the update, and said it would be fairly simple to do so. Are you aware of the concept of giving? The reason I'm not upset with kornman is because he's provided a framework for us to use, I don't expect anything more after that. The reason I'm upset with you is because you declined a perfectly relevant and usable offer to bypass something that has plagued you since the start of the mod. This has nothing to do with our team's members.
    Last edited by Choking Victim; May 7th, 2009 at 02:15 PM.

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