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Thread: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.

  1. #31

    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by L0d3x View Post
    The solution gives us plenty of breathing space, that is all you should be concerned about.

    PS: no need to block me on AIM over this shit
    Does it give you free bandwidth and smaller map sizes too?

    Didn't think so.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Hunter's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    The following posts are going to be like scooby doo trying to figure out this new solution :P


  3. #33
    Cancer paladin's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Brent would never post here.

  4. #34
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by L0d3x View Post
    The solution gives us plenty of breathing space, that is all you should be concerned about.

    PS: no need to block me on AIM over this shit
    I find it funny that you guys are so reluctant to tell about your "solution", but I bet that is because its not even a true solution, just you cutting out content.

    Another aspect nobody is talking about is the size of the maps. The map sizes are not small, they are around 400mb each, maybe more. Kornman has stated he is going to work on allowing new shared maps ( and to be used for the campaign mod. This will dramatically decrease all of the map sizes, thus shortening download time and cutting down on the amount of bandwidth. Who here can say that this would not be helpful? Nobody.

  5. #35
    Buffalo Berry L0d3x's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Choking Victim View Post
    Does it give you free bandwidth and smaller map sizes too?

    Didn't think so.
    Don't make me insult your mother

  6. #36
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowSpartan View Post
    I find it funny that you guys are so reluctant to tell about your "solution", but I bet that is because its not even a true solution, just you cutting out content.

    Another aspect nobody is talking about is the size of the maps. The map sizes are not small, they are around 400mb each, maybe more. Kornman has stated he is going to work on allowing new shared maps ( and to be used for the campaign mod. This will dramatically decrease all of the map sizes, thus shortening download time and cutting down on the amount of bandwidth. Who here can say that this would not be helpful? Nobody.
    This is exactly what I'm thinking. This entire issue is about how cutting content is NOT a solution to restrictions - OpenSauce is. I'm speculating that you're holding back your "solution" because you'd be making examples of our argument.

  7. #37
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    While some of the limits placed on tag blocks and tag data don't have much meaning (other than maybe exceeding the maximum value of what indexes it, say a 16 bit integer), there IS a meaning for the limits applied to object placement blocks. The game only allocates a fixed set of memory for all game objects. Every object consumes this memory when instanced. This includes projectiles, placeholders and garbage (ie flood).

    Now, imagine an intense scene with 1 player, then a good sized marine squad of say 9. Now, the player is driving a tank, who has 2 marines with him, with 2 more in a warthog then 4 more in another tank.

    The enemy includes 2 shades with 2 grunts manning them, 2 banshees with 2 elites, 2 wraiths with 2 elites again, then maybe 3 sets of 1 elite and 4 grunts. Then you have maybe 5 jackels running around.

    Now, we're going to assume that every biped in this scene has 1 weapon and 2 of each grenade type. Except for the player, he has 2 weapons and 4 of each grenade type. Then you have to include the "weapons" which are attached to the vehicles (ie the shade's plasma cannon)

    Then we're going to assume there are 15 different equipment pickups nested in the scene (heath, rocket ammo, active cammo, etc). The maybe 5 more weapons just scattered and not being used by anyone.

    While the grenades don't add to the object memory until actually thrown (just like projectiles from a weapon IIRC), they are still going to be counted when actual battle commences so they're a huge factor (especially if it was Halo 2 and we had Catch on ;p)

    We end up totalling in about 15 equipment, 55 weapon, 36 biped, and 9 vehicle objects. 115 base objects. Now lets assume on average that each biped is shooting off 10 active projectiles (grunts with needlers would probably raise this average dramatically). Thats 475 objects total thus far for this battle scene, not considering any grenades or the actual scenery.

    This scene takes up about 20% of the object memory. Now, you have to factor in what the scenario has placed. This includes (sound) scenery, devices, etc. In CMT's detailed case, you've probably got the rest of your 80% of the level right there. 80 vehicles BY THEMSELVES (no other spawned objects, not even a player) take up about 7% of the memory. CMT's highest vehicle count I think masters said was 115. That alone is bumped up to 9%.

    These limits aren't meant to be trifled with unless you know what you're doing.

  8. #38
    Project Sapphire Modder Rhydgaled's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcap View Post
    [21:30] jrcap14: Kornman just finished the memory upgrade to OS
    [21:30] jrcap14: and created a campaign expansion system
    Campaign Expansion System? what's that?

    Also is this a CMT exclusive upgrade to Open Sauce or will it be released publicly when it is completed?

  9. #39
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhydgaled View Post
    Campaign Expansion System? what's that?

    Also is this a CMT exclusive upgrade to Open Sauce or will it be released publicly when it is completed?
    I see no reason why the upgraded source code would not be released to the public.

  10. #40
    Senior Member =sw=warlord's Avatar
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    Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.

    Well if anything, this whole charade has certainly made the CE section more active.
    Trust CMT to bring the drama back home.
    Il probably be -reped for my honesty but really, only thoses are full of themselves and hypocritical will do that, amirite palidin?
    Last edited by =sw=warlord; May 10th, 2009 at 03:28 PM.

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