So... I didn't see anything like this anywhere else so I was thinking that we should at least start a thread like this.
Post your ideas for things that Open Sauce can do to help out your experience playing Open Sauce! (I do not, nor should anyone expect Kornman00 to do this all on his own)
E: If we think a bit, I bet that we can come up with the technical solutions to these problems without coding.
Before we begin, read the following post by Korn:
"Little information update for OS CE:
What you can do:
Add new scripting functions\globals
Record the chat box (clients)
Theoretically create new game engines (ie, ctf). I've made significant advances in making this possible, but there is still amounts of work needed to be done, especially on the UI side
Have your Sauced servers\games come up in their own server listing, apart from the general server list (so you can hide or better filter your games from the public)
Multi-team vehicles
Have access to the networking extension code that I was developing. In theory, it should be working, but I have something up somewhere...because it doesn't. Who knows, maybe I'll figure it out before release?
Interface with objects in the current game state (ie, location, a unit's weapons, shield power, etc)
Create your own key bindings for executing custom code (ie, hold shift+g to turn the AI off)
Create menu interfaces a la Battery.
Edit the tags that are in memory
Edit loads of other game state related data
Add your own game event logging (already have some events that are logged while in game)
Modify the camera to your hearts desire
Almost everything from Battery
What you can't do:
Create new object types.
Can't replace the physics engine
Can't replace the rendering engine
Can't add a perfect Forge mode to the engine. You can replicate some of it's features, but in most cases the engine isn't outfit to do it
Both lists can be much longer but I just wanted to give an overview of a few things you can look forward to and to answer any questions people may have." -Korn
1. What team a player is on be transmitted/tracked by server (Me until #4)
2. Syncing doors/bridges etc. 3. Ability to move objects without calling them "vehicles" 4. Increased tag limits
5. Functioning Mancannon (Malloy) (same as grav lift)
6. "Max Payne" Sniper cam (Malloy)
>> Be more precise
7. Walking in/on Vehicles while moving without falling out/off. (Admiral Bacon)
8. Syncing Grav lift function (PopeAK49) (basically same as mancannon)
9. Killcam, where the camera follows the player that killed you until you respawn. (Advancebo)
>> Already happens, perhaps reduce the req for it to show?
>> Not "needed" if #12 is done.
10. Enabling more FP animations (HDoan) +2
>>"I think what Doan meant by enabling more FP animations was having a way to reference more than what we have. For example, if we were to enable sprinting or equipment or something of the sort, we would want to have an FP animation used." - ICEE
10. More than two teams (Not sure if this was said to be impossible or not). Would be pretty interesting. (STLRamsFan)
11. Sprinting (ICEE)
12. "Speaking of the killcam, it would be cool if you could pivot the camera around the player. Maybe even cycling through players with the weapon & grenade buttons?" (jcap)
13. Active Camo Tag (Malloy)
14. Animated projectiles(Malloy)
>> Explain please
15. Prone position (Napalm) 16. Recording demos (Napalm)
>> Is it possible?
17. Sync Ai (Dwood)
18. Medals. Achievements. (18-23 Advancebo) +1 by Napalm
>> Explain how it would work
19. Ingame Voice Chat +1 from Pyong
>> (I doubt that is within Open Sauce's "Practical" section)
20. Real Time Reflection 21. Increase player speed
22. Zombies (H3 Style)
23. More HUD feature
>> Not very precise, please explain
24. taunts, double jump (Pyong Kawaguchi)
25. Tweaking the Recoil System. (T3h Mookz) +1 from Napalm
>>This isn't very clear, please be more precise.
26. Graphical upgrades like normal mapping system. +1 (Killa)
>>Includes shader upgrades
27. Recorded Anims (advancebo)
28. Lunge (killa)
>> i.e., plasma sword
29. Physics upgrade (Killa)
30. Activate "Weapon Ready Tag" (killa)
31. Method for adding new Tags. (Corndogman)
>>Such as a new power up
32. Expansion of Halo Script (Dwood) +1 by Pwn
33. Permutations (include Item permutations) (Pyong)
>>Not only that, but explain further what you mean)
34. Able to use AVI files as UI backgrounds +1 by Advancebo 35. normal maps on tags like shader_model (hunter)
>>What makes this separate from the other graphics upgrades?
36. Increase Player per-server limit (Dwood)
Edit # 2: If you second a suggestion let me know, and I'll put a star or something by it.
37. Increase number of gunner seats in a vehicle +2, Corndog and another person
(hoodedSmack until noted otherwise)
38. Render_camera material
>> What?
39. Bullet_time command. (Mobster) +1 Hunter
>> Like Player speed but slows down everything BUT the player
42. Shock posted something about Spawn Points and multiple gametypes.
43. Ignoring Pyong on page 6, 90% of that is impossible
44. Jcap posted something I didn't understand:
Regarding the HUD, I have a few things I suggest/wonder if possible.
Several of these things I have in mind are already displayed somewhere else, such as on the F2 Game Info/MOTD screen.
The first thing would be an actual game clock that counts down from the start of a game. It would only be displayed if a time limit is specified, and it would basically be a tag or something that you can set the x and y coords for. It could be similar to the timer in The Maw during the warthog run, such as being able to specify an image for the number font, color, and critical warning.
The second thing is the ability to display the scores of both teams in a two-team game, but only you (and if possible the person in first/second) in a FFA game.
Third, and I'm not sure if this can be done, but the ability to specify a rotation angle for HUD text would be great.
I think that's it I have for now. A lot of these things are simply to bring it more up-to-date with Halo 3, though things like the time I would love to have. I'm sure CAD would love them too.
45. I totally ignored everyone up to Rhydgaled on page 8 because I am 90% sure most of that is impossible
46. Fp animation permutations, that are coordinated with their 3p animation permutation..
Meaning the permuations match up, in both fp and 3p, so you don't see one fp anim, and everyone else sees a different 3p animation.. (KiLLa) +1 from Lone
47. Wide Screen Resolutions: (DEEhunter) [Heck, higher resolutions would be great too!] +1 from Malloy
48. VickJr and AdmiralBacon: (play_bik [file])
49. I want to be able to attach devices and vehicles to another vehicle such that they:
1. Stay still (ie, are actually attached, like the warthog to the Pelican in campaign) and
2. Can still be utilized.
50. proximity doors on vehicles (Malloy)
51. More Fields on Tags (like Can_walk on []) (Hunter)
52. A new Shader_Environment Shader (il Duce Promo) +4 from random people that have no idea what Open Sauce is/can do.
53. object_cannot_take_damage (chrisk123999)
E: Tried the above, it works but seems to randomly switch the invincible person if the person selected to be invincible leaves or gets unit_kill'd. Need something that works on a single person. " - Freelancer
54. High Res UI graphics +1 from Timo
>> the ability to increase the visible bounds of widgets from 640x480 up to anything - Timo, page 14
55. gubbin attachment idea (Malloy)
56. Function to teleport objects to points on other objects. (Bacon)
>> Technically, I'm looking for an object_teleport with the format of objects_attach: -object_teleport object string object string
57. attach trigger volumes to objects (MissingSpartan7)
58. allowing more object types in the attatchments box (Rhydgaled) +1 from Bacon
>> " It would also be really nice if an attached proximity door still detected a biped presence... then I could just add more doors as attachments with no extra scripting..." (page 15 by bacon)
59. Function that treats teams and their players as objects for use with volume triggers.
i.e. (Simplified version) If(Volume_test (blue_team) true)
60. Some kind of blur/disortation effect on engines and heat. Like is does on most games, and Halo 3. I would of thought it can be done because the game already has disortation coded in. (Hunter)
61. Can we get a sort of "campaign scoring" system like in Halo 3? Or at the very least some way to easily trigger something when a kill is made in a campaign. Rob Oplawar wanted Cerebrum-Synapse to track his Bridge campaign, and I don't see much point unless we can do scoring. (AdmiralBacon, also known as Klange)
62. Small idea, what about a landing/damage FP animation? Something Halo lacked? (Mookz)
Animations like holster (played when weapon is put away), stealth-melee (special animation played when the melee attack that's thrown will be instant kill, like a Spy backstab), light-on/off, fall-damage, melee combo animations (a la E3 Halo 2, named melee-1/2/3), and such. And these special case animations would inhibit any player actions until they finish; doesn't make sense to be firing off a weapon when the MC's hands are yanked off-screen to support his weight when he fell. And if these animations do not exist in the tag, they aren't called and things continue as normal (if there's no stealth-melee or melee combo animations, the normal melee attack is played in all circumstances)
62 Also, would it be too much to ask for FP animation permutation support and the ability to use glow tags on FP weapons? (polar)
^^^^^ This idea has been 50% accomplished. Glow tags are not useable (yet?)
Last edited by Dwood; March 4th, 2010 at 04:05 PM.