UPDATE: 20/05/2010:
guess this should be posted here as well.
and a timelapse of me making this to go along with it.
timelapse of a little project i made over the course of a few days (~2 hour sessions) mostly to show a friend how to go about 'realistic' texturing (since all he knew was TF2 stuff EH SELENTIC?).
figured i might as well crop all the captured footage into a timelapse for people to watch.
UPDATE: 20/05/2010:
guess this is more or less finished.
renders are all max screengrabs with a nice shader on it.
UPDATE: 17/05/2010:
finished mesh on an SMG-type weapon, i made for texture practice.
i'm having an old colleague whose job description is texture artist help me get started on it, so with a bit of hard work and maybe some luck i'm hoping to have a kickass looking gun when it's done.
also, i just finished a bunch of work i did for BRINK, but i can't show anything until it's released, so you're going to have to wait for those for now.
also, i'm planning on re-rendering all of my assets for a proper portfolio website, so maybe expect all these pictures to be all new in the not-too-distant future.
got some more images approved, i guess this will be all for a little while, since all my other work is for games which are still in production.
i'll propably post any portofolio-work i do in my free time as well.
This was made for terminator salvation, but the set it was supposed to be in got scratched, so you won't see it in the game.
it's not like any of the detail WOULD have been seen, even if it were, due to the incredibly shitty texture budget. which is why i basically stopped detailing it at some point, and why it looks a bit unfinished.
This was really a small assignment which got out of hand.
we needed a hovercraft, so i went and looked on Google for some nice reference. turns out they were looking for something like a small one-man hovercraft, instead of one that carries 8 tanks. oh well.
this thing is also textured, but since those images aren't approved, i can't show em.
Just some project i did in the time in between projects. wanted to do some practice with more rounder shapes. actually learnt quite a bit from this one.
polar vehicle for Wanted 2, totally canned, after the movie owner canned it because the first game did terrible, then the developer of it went bankrupt, and then the other developer they hired (where i worked) went bankrupt, so i'm posting it here. (had a budget of 6k polies for the lowpoly, which MIRACULOUSLY, i actually managed to stick to)