Alright... so I've been using my Athlon 64 X2 for a week and a bit now, and I'm mighty impressed with its performance in Windows, doing random things. I decided today to give it a bit of a load and I started up Gears of War PC. Ran all settings at high (except DX10 and Anti-aliasing) at 1152x720, just to start. Now, when I'm just hangin' around in Windows, or letting the computer idle, the CPU runs at 36 degrees celsius. When I started playing Gears, the CPU rose up to 57 Celsius and steadied there. I've read a bit from Googling and I see a lot of crap info (people who seem to be pulling info out their asses) on how hot my CPU should be running. What I want to know is, how hot SHOULD it be running, and what should I do to lower the temp it's running at?
EDIT: One website (The Heatsink Guide) states that the maximum temperature for an Athlon 64 X2 is 65 degrees. Of course, I'm not exactly sure how long it would last at that temp. What's a good temp under load?