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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #591
    :) Bhamid's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by 343guiltymc View Post
    Wait, Alienware is actually worth getting now?
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  2. #592
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by 343guiltymc View Post
    Wait, Alienware is actually worth getting now?
    Not really. The only machine I can say is somewhat worth getting is the M17x, and only if you get it with most of the bells and whistles (getting it with a single GTX260M is a waste of need two GTX280Ms to make it worthwhile). However, there's also the Clevo M980NU (SagerNP9850) which has the same hardware internally, and costs about $300 less all said and done. Only downsides are no backlit keyboard, plastic as opposed to aluminum chassis, and it has 1n 18.4" 16:9 screen (not a con for some).
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  3. #593

    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    The Asus G51VX comes out to be $400~ more than the Alienware when configured to the specifications that I would want (as close to my m15x configuration as possible)... Since I'm a sucker for bells and whistles I guess I'm going with the Alienware since it's cheaper, surprisingly...

    In a real-world comparison of games, how many more FPS would you actually gain using a GTX 260M over a 9800M GT? Tests could be based in Crysis since I'm familiar with how it runs on different hardware. I know the 9800M GT is slightly faster than the 8800M GTX by 1-2 FPS, would the GTX 260M get any more than 5-10 FPS difference? If not than it's not worth it imo. There's always the possibility that I could upgrade to a GTX 260M as well, knowing how Alienware likes to flaunt their ability to swap out laptop graphics cards.
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  4. #594
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    The GTX260M would probably get you a good 10-15 more fps in Crysis than the 9800M GT. The GTX260M is essentially a smaller, overclocked 9800M GTX.

    Also, while you could upgrade, you'll just end up making up the difference in price between the two systems if not more, since there isn't exactly a huge market or supply of MXM laptop GPUs floating around, especially high-end ones. On top of that, you don't know how well the Alienware will cool it or power it.

    The specs on the Asus are better, but the Alienware has a prettier case. It's up to you which way you want to go. Personally, I'd take specs first. All those lights on the Alienware just serve to draw more power and generate more heat.
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  5. #595

    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Warsaw View Post
    The GTX260M would probably get you a good 10-15 more fps in Crysis than the 9800M GT. The GTX260M is essentially a smaller, overclocked 9800M GTX.

    Also, while you could upgrade, you'll just end up making up the difference in price between the two systems if not more, since there isn't exactly a huge market or supply of MXM laptop GPUs floating around, especially high-end ones. On top of that, you don't know how well the Alienware will cool it or power it.

    The specs on the Asus are better, but the Alienware has a prettier case. It's up to you which way you want to go. Personally, I'd take specs first. All those lights on the Alienware just serve to draw more power and generate more heat.
    GTX 280M installed in an Alienware M15x:

    Seems simple enough, though as you stated the temps are obviously quite a bit higher.

    Aftermarket GTX 280M:

    Aftermarket GTX 260M:

    All you really have to do is install the HSF from your existing graphics card onto the new one, and use the recommended "copper mod" (sheet of thin copper between the CPU thermal paste and the HSF thermal paste) to increase the cooling capability of your old HSF. I see what you mean when it comes to pricing though, the two cards I linked were at least $400 each, therefore making up the price difference.

    Still, I want this to be portable, as in something I can take with me wherever I go without hassle or the requirement of a power outlet. The Alienware has a 2 hour~ battery life when in "Stealth Mode", and you can further increase that by disabling the 9800M GT and using the integrated Intel GMA POS.
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  6. #596
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    The ASUS also gets ~2 hours. I'm not sure, but it might have an integrated 9400M.

    Seems like you really want the backlight on the Alienware though. Just go with that.
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  7. #597

    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    It's so shiny!
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  8. #598

    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
    Be a man and go with the V10! You need to work on your cable management for more than a few minutes though, it's not bad but it's not good either!
    I'm just going to remove the fan controllers all together. Leave me a LOT more room.

    (From another thread, but should just be placed here, considering the inevitability that I was going to lead onto this question at some point in time)

    What's the V10 going to do for me that the V8 won't?

    I'm only going to try overclocking a X3 720 BE in about a month or 2 and I was wondering:

    1) Should I unlock that 4th core and knotch it up to 3.6GHz or maybe even 4GHz?
    2) Should I leave it at 3 cores and knotch it up to 3.6GHz or maybe even 4GHz?

    Also, Would this RAM do the trick for the overclocking I'm looking to achieve?

    I plan on helping this process go a lot smoother with the Coolmaster V8. Yes or no?
    Last edited by AAA; August 21st, 2009 at 04:58 AM.
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  9. #599
    :) Bhamid's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Unlocking the 4th core might screw it up, but you can always reset it in the BIOS.
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  10. #600
    Reloading! Terin's Avatar
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    Re: Going to build a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    I figured this would be the best place for a quick RAM questions.

    How bad would it be if the timing of a second stick of RAM was different than the first? I'm getting a new stick today, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to find another 2GB 800MHz 240-pin DDR2 with 5-5-5-12 timing.

    Also, would there be any downsides in regards to speed if I had 4GB of RAM with a 32-bit OS installed, besides the fact that it cuts off how much I have available?
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