The one with the sticker looks better.
Last edited by Cortexian; September 11th, 2009 at 12:05 AM.
You can disagree, but you're wrong. His bottleneck is coming from elsewhere because PCI-E 1.X vs PCI-E 2.0 isn't that huge of a jump, and the cards using said slots aren't even using that much bandwidth. I saw a great discussion/explanation on the fact on some website awhile ago when I checked this. I just played Crysis with about 40-45 FPS, I was getting 25-30 before.
Edit - Here you go, I found what I was looking for:
Now - As far as "real" performance increase? That's going to be difficult to pinpoint. Why?? Because the existing standard isn't close to it's limits. If you'll allow me to make up some numbers: Think of it as doubling the speed limit on the highway from 70 to 140. If no cars exist which are powerful enough to go faster than 50 miles an hour, and there are enough lanes to fit the traffic, does it matter???? This is like the situation now. Even multiple devices aren't capable of running faster than current limitations. So increasing the capacity of the pipe isn't going to bring much 'real world' benefit. At least the way things stand at the moment.
Last edited by Cortexian; September 11th, 2009 at 12:17 AM.
so than what else is his problem?... He's got good RAM, the same CPU I do and I'm not getting bottle-necked nearly as much as he is... Whatever, it'd be nice to get an answer, but I don't want to change the subject.
btw, very nice example, whoever made that up is very informative to some people's simplicity. Thank you. +rep
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