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Thread: Open Sauce Ideas thread

  1. #391
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    I'm pretty sure I got it to the point where the client doesn't lose the connection in the current codebase (read: newer than the Update 2 RC). I'll try to give a build to two people this weekend to try and verify this, but I'm pretty sure I took a little stab at the networking after the RC was released.
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  2. #392
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Did you look into the v1.04 (or possibly v1.06) patch issues that spawned as a direct result of Bungie's attempt to solve a black-hat hacker related issue of malicious code entering and crashing a server?

    If you could compare the code for the network packets from, say, a stock build of Halo CE, and that of the current build (stable 1.08), what would you find? Would you not find that the packets need to be somehow signed or at least verified as not being malevolent in nature (according to the patch requirements of that era) so that the doors and other devices would function?

    Kornman00, you're probably going to kill me for asking this, but may i please be one of the people that tests this issue? My map is extremely heavily based in syncable objecs -- BSPs, doors, lights (light fixtures), even the controls themselves that govern the syncing of these very objects that themselves must sync according to the toggle switches. I would be, not only more than hapy to, but very interested in having a stab at the DLL file so that I can report ANY issues to you that I might find.

    Would you please at least consider me, since I am working on a map that requires the least amount of bipeds for the least amount of lag? I'd be more than appreciative and grateful. Thanks.

    BTW: When you also tested the current runs of the newest DLL, did you remember to remove the line mentioned above in the User Manual quote? if not, perhaps this is why the code isn't responding client-side. Just an afterthought, that's all. And yes, I could test the build and issues locally with no need for a friend online by testing via my LAN over two different computers with the same map and same everything.

    PS: Not to stray from the bug topic at hand, but one of my ideas (if it's possible to implement) would be to allow Open Sauced game servers to host a maximum of 32 players instead of 16 on a T1/LAN connection. This would be pure pWn4g3 on a Machinima server or a MMORPG server.

    Is it possible to implement this with somewhat fair ease, Kornman00?
    Last edited by Rambo; November 5th, 2009 at 07:50 AM.
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  3. #393
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by formlesstree4 View Post
    In theory, would it not be logical to argue that Yelo/Open Sauce would work on 1.05?
    Yes, but that is only if you don't mess something up while downgrading Open Sauce. I highly doubt you won't run into any major problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by formlesstree4 View Post
    I do have to say, the arguments that are against this is...quite staggering. Why would someone be against something that actually wouldn't cause harm and even further progress the Halo CE community?
    I'm just trying to be realistic here.

    Quote Originally Posted by formlesstree4 View Post
    Don't you think we have already figured this out? The whole point of doing this is to see if we are right to begin with! Why bother modifying a packet to the 'signed' version if it won't work to begin with. Wasted effort brings no results. If we figure out that the patch was the issue to begin with, then we can confirm these results and figure out how they changed the packets.
    Why don't you try to figure out why it won't work, rather than jumping on the idea to downgrade OS.

    Quote Originally Posted by formlesstree4 View Post
    I'm just curious as to how this even relates to what we're discussing. Care to elaborate?
    He said that you were downgrading Yelo Battery. The source code to Yelo Battery, to my knowledge, has not been released. Some of the Yelo Battery code was incorporated into Open Sauce though. So did he mean to say that you guys are downgrading Open Sauce? Because Yelo Battery is technically not the same as OS.

    Quote Originally Posted by formlesstree4 View Post
    I shall now sit back, and try to figure out why someone here would, instead of help us, argue against us in something that might actually change the future of how Halo Script needs to be written on devices.
    As I said above, I'm trying to be realistic. If you cannot even get a new script function working, what makes you think you can downgrade all of OS, as well as reverse engineer the Networking code? Also, this wouldn't really change Halo Scripting in any way, you just wouldn't have to add syncing scripts because they will sync automatically.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    PS: Not to stray from the bug topic at hand, but one of my ideas (if it's possible to implement) would be to allow Open Sauced game servers to host a maximum of 32 players instead of 16 on a T1/LAN connection. This would be pure pWn4g3 on a Machinima server or a MMORPG server.
    ..................Wow. It's not possible, end of story. Do you just post about whatever crazy ideas pop into your head without even thinking about them for 5 seconds?
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  4. #394
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Listen. If it weren't for "crazy ideas", we wouldn't have HALF of the stuff that WE, as a planetary society, more than take for granted. Things such as how the world was proven to not rest on a turtle's back, or at best, be flat; or how the earth actually revolves around the sun and not the other way around; or for that matter, the electric Lightbulb invented by Thomas Edisson, or even the telephone that actually was, if I'm not mistaken, an attempt at making the telegraph better, attempted by Alexander Gran Bell... Heck, I'll even throw in radio and television and, for that matter, even the microprocessor that ALL OF US HERE on this forum DEPEND on to communicate with one another... All of these things we take for granted and yet they spawned from seemingly insurmountable odds sprung from "crazy ideas", as you so elequently put it. Proud inventors slaved their ASSES over "crazy ideas", to put it so bluntly. Even though, yes, they had the time, patience, and know-how to make "crazxy ideas" work, tey were STILL "crazy ideas" neverltheless.

    For every person in this world that ever said such "crazy ideas" would never, i repeat NEVER come to pass, there were more inventors than roadblocks to prevail and this caused the negative people's tauntings to become no more than stumbling blocks to a mad man's dream come true. I may not have the way-with-all as far as know-how to actually accomplish these idead by myself, but I have friends that at least care. Yes I may consider myself to be a sort of visionary-type person with wild ideas, but look at what I've done with the raw conceptualized ideas when capable and put to the test. I know it isn't much, but take a look at the (and I don't mean to come across as a self-piassed, self-righteous person by saying this) beautiful work put into Blood Creek RC3's betas from which the videos themselves came from. I won't even go into WHY it is that I ask for help with modeling because it's not necessay and is of no importance to this current debate you and I seem to be having over "crazy ideas". However, I will say that if you actually took the time to slow down and think before spouting off diarrheic negativity, perhaps people wouldn't get so frustrated when they respond with messages that should be simple counterpoints. I will not reference any links to my Xfire videos of Blood Creek RC3 progress here; however, I will say that anyone with enough time and patience can find them and see for themselves what we've done.

    That said, back to topic.

    I asked for switching lightmaps. it's in, albeit rudimentary at best. So what if it's stub code with a project_yellow tag reference? it's there, is it not? I'm now asking for 32-player support on a T1/LAN connection only. It could be possible, just as the 32 BSP limit on a Yelo-based .scenario tag was reached (64 if you count all the BSP sets, not including the 32 in the standard .screnario now).

    Dude, stop coming across like you're flaming people and actually slow down and try to at least think of the "mpossibilities" that DID happen before you go exclaiming such a thing. Now you're just irritating me and I'm not afraid to say it like some people. Though my ideas may in fact be crazy ones, I'm at least TRYING to suggest things that just might get into the game's OS code. It wouldn't be hard to... No, let me rephrase that. It wouldn't be so impossible as you claim, to add an override function in the Open Sauce code for the network functions and up the playernumber count from 16 to 32 on a LAN server or, for that matter, a T1 server. Unless the rendering issues plague the system, the engine is MORE THAN CAPABLE of handling at least 24 people, if not 32, even though the limit in the .exe file was set at 16.

    After all, didn't someone out there on the internet that I don't know exactly the name of reference to, end up hacking a copy of the EXE or the dedi's EXE to handle more clients (users) and even go so far as to bring down the server with a lagfest just to prove a point? It may be rumors, but one of my friends told me some guy actually did succeed.

    Please, at least let other people try to get an idea in before you go and inject your negative two cents worth.
    Last edited by Rambo; November 5th, 2009 at 11:41 AM.
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  5. #395

    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    Listen. If it weren't for "crazy ideas", we wouldn't have HALF of the stuff that WE, as a planetary society, more than take for granted.
    There's a difference between scientifically tested theories and jumping to conclusions.
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  6. #396
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Point taken. However, even so, crazy ideas are still crazy until proven otherwise.
    Last edited by Rambo; November 5th, 2009 at 12:10 PM.
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  7. #397
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    I asked for switching Lightmaps. it's in, albeit rudimentary at best. So what if it's stub code with a project_yellow tag reference? it's there, is it not?
    While some code is there apparently, it doesn't do anything. I've barely taken a look at OS2, so I don't know how much Korn has or has not added.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    I'm now asking for 32-player support on a T1/LAN connection only. It could be possible, just as the 32 BSP limit on a Yelo-based .scenario tag was reached (64 if you count all the BSP sets, not including the 32 in the standard .screnario now).
    No, it's not possible without the source code to the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    It wouldn't be hard to... No, let me rephrase that. It wouldn't be so impossible as you claim, to add an override function in the Open Sauce code for the network functions and up the playernumber count from 16 to 32 on a LAN server or, for that matter, a T1 server.
    Ok then, if you know how to go about doing it, then do so. Have fun writing that "override function".

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    Unless the rendering issues plague the system, the engine is MORE THAN CAPABLE of handling at least 24 people, if not 32, even though the limit in the .exe file was set at 16.
    It's not like there is some number in the engine you can change to magically make it switch from a maximum of 16 players to a maximum of 24 or 32. There are player tables in memory that have a fixed size, only allowing for 16 players. It's not possible to do this without the source code to Halo 1.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    After all, didn't someone out there on the internet that I don't know exactly the name of reference to, end up hacking a copy of the EXE or the dedi's EXE to handle more clients (users) and even go so far as to bring down the server with a lagfest just to prove a point? It may be rumors, but one of my friends told me some guy actually did succeed.
    That was e3po, I don't believe anything that he says. He also claimed to have made his own rendering engine that looked exactly like H1, but then Bungie made him stop working on it.
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  8. #398
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    So what if you don't believe him, fact is, he claimed it was true. if it is, what difference does that make? Even if it were true, what's to stop Kornman00, here, from going in and upgrading the server liit the same way or similarly thereof, he did for the BSP/Lightmap tag count?
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  9. #399
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    So what if you don't believe him, fact is, he claimed it was true. if it is, what difference does that make?
    He's an unreliable source.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    Even if it were true, what's to stop Kornman00, here, from going in and upgrading the server liit the same way or similarly thereof, he did for the BSP/Lightmap tag count?
    It's not the same, AT ALL. Increasing a tag block limit is not a hard thing to do.
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  10. #400

    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    ...what's to stop Kornman00...
    How about time.

    He's done his part, Open Sauce is a 3rd party software development kit. It's up to you to use this framework to accomplish these tasks. As for this thread, I recall Kornman stating that he would only be accepting ideas before the release of OS v2.
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