oh god you go to /m/, you are 12 arn't you ._.
Originally Posted by n00b1n8R oh god teh lag goes to /m/, teh lag is 12 isn't he._.
leave me out of this also unlike haruhi gl is actually good, if still overpraised
Originally Posted by teh lag also unlike haruhi gl is actually good haruhi is the only good anime hth
Originally Posted by Kyon haruhi is the only good anime hth ___________/
gurren lagann is 2 deep for ultama to understand
guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys shana and haruhi and maybe some other stuff later
rook has seen 2 animes and they are both the best
Originally Posted by teh lag leave me out of this also unlike haruhi gl is actually good, if still overpraised I was mainly referring to the overpraised part. They're both good anime (maybe not Haruhi in your eyes), but they're both defintely overpraised.
also the dub is superior tenfold
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