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Thread: ATTN: Aspiring game developers / hobby modders

  1. #11

    Re: ATTN: Aspiring game developers / hobby modders

    vertex lighting is one of the most, if not THE most basic lighting setups. what you bake into them (for example lightmaps) it completely up to the user.

    a definite need i'd want in any editor, is the ability to ctrl-Z (undo) and ctrl-y(redo) and do copypaste actions.

    for example, i build an asset made up out of several intersecting meshes, i want to be able to, say group them, and copypaste them to where ever i want, without having to reassembble the entire thing for every instance of it i'd like to place.
    another most basic need function would be:
    the ability to do easy selections. whenever you're working with a more final piece, your environment tends to get cluttered, and has 20 things lying on top of eachother at any time in a viewport.

    what i'd like to be able to do is select an TYPE of object, (or select 2 different types of objects) and hit a button (or menu option) to hide everything which isn't one of those 2 types.
    i'm guessing viewport flexibility would be the main concern in my opinion, often in editors, everything runs uncompressed, and goes slower, so for example the ability to turn off realtime lighting, post processing, force a certain LODset in a viewport for example would not only increase productivity when a scene gets full and cluttered, but could also be used for debugging.

    another important feature i'd like, is thumbnails, thimbnails thumbnails. i've spent alot of time with several engines where when you're populating a scene, you cna only select your things from a dropdown-menu. you often end up placing everything in a scene just to see what it looks like, which is very time consuming. unreal for example has thumbnails for EVERYTHING in it's asser-browser, meshes, textures, shaders, etc.
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  2. #12
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
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    Re: ATTN: Aspiring game developers / hobby modders

    Neuro, I was asking for input on using multi-touch and other external input devices in a development environment besides basic keyboard/mouse combo, not what an editor should do.
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  3. #13

    Re: ATTN: Aspiring game developers / hobby modders

    well thats your fault for using big words and fancy coders talk and such >:U

    in any case, i don't see the need for more than a mouse and keyboard imo.
    'scuse the mindfuck
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