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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #851

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amit View Post
    or did you mean in terms of Hard Drive capacity for the price you buy them for?
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  2. #852
    Senior Member =sw=warlord's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
    If all you want is storage it's a lot easier to get it a USB key.
    Not really, you still need to goto the same place to buy the thing.
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  3. #853
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Damnit, I built my pc, and my graphics card doesnt work. The fan doesnt spin around and I get no output onto the screen.

    Its a XFX GTX 260 (core edition), my power supply is 600W ocz xstream, it should be compatible with my PSU, Ive connected the 2 6 pin PCI-E power cables onto the graphics card. Yet absolutely nothing.

    The mobo I have is the xfx nforce 750i, it has a debug LED at the back, and it displays "FF" when I try to boot, everything seems to work, apart from the bloody graphics card.

    Any one got any ideas? I;m gonna ring XFX up tomorrow, but I heard they suck at technical support, my guess is the graphics card is bust.

    Massive rep to anyone who helps fix it, I cant afford to be without a decent pc, I have alot of work I need to do over xmas =\
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  4. #854
    kill anime users Rook's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Have you tried onboard video and see if that works? If no on board video a shitty card that you know works?
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  5. #855
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Uh, no idea if it has on-board video, theres no VGA connector on the back of the motherboard so I assume no on-board.

    And no, dont have any other setup I can test it on =\
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  6. #856
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    Damnit, I built my pc, and my graphics card doesnt work. The fan doesnt spin around and I get no output onto the screen.

    Its a XFX GTX 260 (core edition), my power supply is 600W ocz xstream, it should be compatible with my PSU, Ive connected the 2 6 pin PCI-E power cables onto the graphics card. Yet absolutely nothing.

    The mobo I have is the xfx nforce 750i, it has a debug LED at the back, and it displays "FF" when I try to boot, everything seems to work, apart from the bloody graphics card.

    Any one got any ideas? I;m gonna ring XFX up tomorrow, but I heard they suck at technical support, my guess is the graphics card is bust.

    Massive rep to anyone who helps fix it, I cant afford to be without a decent pc, I have alot of work I need to do over xmas =\
    Plug in your old 7600GT (assuming it's PCIe) and see if you get a signal through it. If you do, then your GPU is DOA and you need to RMA that sucker. There's no reason 600W shouldn't be enough to power it. If you still don't get a signal, then either your PSU or motherboard has had it...or CPU. To see if it's the PSU, use the 7600GT and the old PSU in the new setup and see if it works (assuming that the previous test didn't work).
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  7. #857
    kill anime users Rook's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    I really can't help you further maybe someone will pop in who's more tech smart, it'd be real nice if you had another card to test with though.

    Just wanna say you should have rolled with XFX ATi.
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  8. #858
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Sadly my other pc is 60 miles away, plus that 7600 is AGP :O

    I think it is a PSU issue, on the box it says it needs a minimum of 550W or greater with minimum of 36 amps with 12v.

    Recommended is 630W+ for non SLI.

    On the PSU box it says max current 36amps, +3.3V at 155W.

    Maybe I need a 700W PSU instead?
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  9. #859
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    That should be more than enough to power the GTX260...I honestly think you just got a lemon card. The fact that its fan isn't spinning is what's telling me it's dead. If it were a flaky PSU, chances are you'd be able to power up, and the power will be randomly allocated to system components (i.e. GPU, but not a hard drive, etc.). I had this happen to me once, and those were the symptoms. Couldn't get past POST.

    I'd RMA the GPU. ATi for the win; a 5770 or 4890 would probably surpass the GTX260 while granting you a better image anyways.
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  10. #860
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Nah I want the card, its just bloody annoying it isnt working. Had issues with last build too

    Do I RMA to XFX (manufacturer) or do I RMA to the company I bought it with, Ebuyer.
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