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Thread: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

  1. #31
    Driven by the B-Mashina Higuy's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    Try applying an Ray trace material to the object instead of a standard material. Give it some gloss but not to much. Will make it look better. And also, get a better view of the top, and bottom of the plane so we can see other ways to fix it up. I see alot ways were you could reduce polygons and keep detail already.
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  2. #32
    got dam forumers.... SnaFuBAR's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    Yeah the mesh of the nose is a disaster. Like, legitimately, it's really fucked up. Bad. If the tutorial told you to do that, never use that tutorial again, ever. Also, airfoils are not fucking blocks dude.

    I'm going to tell you like I did with your transport thing. If you don't know what you're modeling, YOU CAN'T. Seriously, learn something about what you're attempting to create before you set out to do it. Your mesh is really really bad and you're losing the shapes on literally EVERY surface. Canards, airfoils, cockpit, nose, aft of cockpit, canopy structure, and a severe abuse of bevels and extrudes.

    Researching something like this is the key to success, and having a grasp of the tools. With all the non-planars you create, and the problems with the jet, that should be red flags for you. You need to take a step back and really try to understand what you're doing because you don't right now and it shows.

    I'm only going hard on you because you respond well to it. You took a big step up from what gridlock was. Keep at it, just get a better grasp of the tools. The best tool isn't what max can calculate to fix your errors, it's knowledge that allows you to avoid those errors in the first place.
    Last edited by SnaFuBAR; November 25th, 2009 at 04:34 PM.
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  3. #33
    A V A L O N TeeKup's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    That Berkut is also very innacurate.

    PLEASE fix it before I'm forced to gut you like a fish.
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  4. #34

    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    p much what everyone else here says. The back part doesn't look too bad (though I don't know the anatomy of the jet in question), but the front, specifically the nose and behind the cockpit looks like you could really cut down on verts and edges.

    I'm no professional modeler, but I recall reading in "Modeling a Character in 3DS Max, Second Edition" by Paul Steed, if a vertex or an edge doesn't contribute, get rid of it. I'm sure that applies to more than character models.
    Last edited by t3h m00kz; November 26th, 2009 at 03:31 PM.
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  5. #35
    Free Kantanomo English Mobster's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    What's that? MORE of The Army of Idiots? IMPOSSIBLE!
    Chapter IV: Coldsnap
    The N Companies of both Red and Blue teams were now on the run from the law.
    In an extremely short time, they had gone from being two opposing teams on just one small front of a multi-front war to escapees from a random prison. In that same time, they also found out that their badass mercenary was actually a girl with a bunch of now-irreparably-damaged voice-changing equipment built into her helmet, and they had managed to escape from a prison in the Colorado Desert by virtue of a well-timed (but minor) zombie invasion. Now they were headed north, to Canada. Flyboy had some contacts up there, he said, and they could continue their skirmishes in peace.
    Overall, it was a pretty uneventful day.

    The trip to Canada itself was quite a long one. To spare my dear readers the pain of having to read pages upon pages of Bob asking if they were they yet, penetrated only by narrow escapes from epic battles with comic relief scattered about liberally, I will simply say that it was awesome, yet needlessly long. A quick summary is as follows:
    The limousine that they had stolen to “travel in style” only got them to the former United States-Canadian border. From there, the limo broke down, so they were forced to send Bob after the border patrol agents to scare them off. From there, they wound up coming into possession of some military-grade Warthogs formerly owned by the terrified border patrol.
    Inferno and Nate had chosen to ride alone with each other in their own private Warthog. Even though they gave the outward appearance of hating each other’s guts, you couldn’t help but think that they really liked one another.
    In short, both teams meet up with Flyboy’s contact. After a gun battle and several missions which would be quite annoying in a video game, they get the coordinates to a base in the middle of nowhere, codenamed “Coldsnap”. The journey to those coordinates was long and hard, and both of the teams finally came to a massive icy canyon, kilometers wide and long, with a big chasm running down the center, much like your mother. The entire place felt and looked eerily similar to Sniper Country with a snow theme (you see, God had made this place SECOND to last), and, as such, there were massive bases built into both of the hills for no readily apparent reason. However, this time, there were no teams of snipers populating them, and both of the bases were up for grabs for the two teams.
    Flyboy, however, was becoming very uncomfortable around Bob, who had been getting increasingly hungry. He unceremoniously kicked the poor zombie out near an ice cave to fend for himself. Pie protested, but it was far too late, as Bob said that he was perfectly content with this cave and had already begun to fashion himself a new home out of it.
    That is the story so far, boring and needlessly-long parts removed.
    If you had wanted to read an epic tale about a long journey somewhere that really, honestly, wasn’t all that important, you would be reading Lord of the Rings, much as if you wanted to learn about the nature of life, the universe, and everything, you would be reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

    Over the course of the journey, Inferno and Nate fell in love with one another, and a beautiful (albeit boring) love story blossomed. However, love is the stickiest and least funny subject one can possibly imagine, and so the majority of this story tries to shy away from it.
    The remainder of this chapter is what happens once both teams had finally gotten to their dream bases which had been promised to them by Flyboy’s contacts.

    Inferno finally emerged from the base’s one restroom wearing her new Winterized Armor. She wasn’t wearing her helmet. Instead, she went helmetless, giving her helmet a very special home in her cabin, high up on a shelf for all to see and for her to stare at every night. It seemed to idolize something for her, as if it meant something profoundly special. Nate thought about this for a moment before jumping to the conclusion that it was just a strange personality quirk which most smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries seemed to have.
    “Took you long enough, damn,” he said, frustrated.
    Inferno stared at him, her hands on her hips. “I’m sorry?”
    “Girls take forever to do everything, it seems.”
    “Oh, so things are different now that I’m a girl now, huh? Are we becoming a tad SEXIST?” A violently insane tone began to appear in her voice the way violently insane tones tend to do that from time to time before going back about their business.
    Nate realized he was about to get into deep trouble. “I love you,” he said cautiously, with a nervous smile on his face. Inferno seemed to tower over him; the situation, overall, was not one that he enjoyed particularly much.
    “Uh-huh. Even though we’re in a relationship, I’m still not above shooting you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.” She indicated to the shotgun she had docked away nearby.
    “I can see that the love is mutual.” Nate’s voice was sheepish.
    Inferno nodded and turned her back to Nate. “So it is.”
    Nate tried to change the subject. “I noticed your armor is a different color now.”
    “Yes, that would be because it’s winterized. It’s cyan.” She stopped being angry at Nate for a moment and turned around so Nate could admire her new armor.
    “I don’t really like it too much, honestly. I liked the darker armor better.”
    She gave him one of those signature looks which girls are experts at, and then her anger returned to her. “Seriously? You SERIOUSLY don’t like the armor which I had spent A LOT of money to buy and upgrade?”
    “Y… Yes…” Nate said squeamishly.
    Inferno was disgusted with him. “You really are an imbecile, aren’t you? This armor is state-of-the-art, designed to withstand the cold and can take pretty much anything up to a point-blank shotgun blast, in which there is only a SLIGHT chance that I’ll be mortally wounded.”
    “So, wait…” Nate felt as if he was a gigantic target in the middle of a firing range, and that Inferno had a sniper rifle and was aiming for the bulls-eye.
    “Isn’t that what I just TOLD YOU? You’re dating me, and you tell me flat-out that think this armor doesn’t look very good on me, just to hurt my feelings. That’s sad.” Nate opened his mouth, but Inferno stuck out her left hand. “Shut up. Don’t talk to me.”
    Puma interrupted the tense exchange with an announcement: “The base now has wi-fi. We are now in the future.” His voice was totally devoid of enthusiasm. “Woop-de-doo.”
    “Good. Now get off the damn computer, I need to play my video games and check my daily webcomic strips.”
    Puma stared at him. “So that’s all I’m good for, huh? Setting up every little piece of technology in this entire damn base so you could play your video games?”
    “Yep.” Nate said. “If it was so hard, why didn’t you have Ducky help you? I’m your boss, and what I say goes. Now don’t talk back to your superiors.”
    “You’re an ignoramus and Ducky’s an idiot.”
    “So is mostly everyone here, it seems.” Infeno said bitterly.
    Puma let out a cheer. “FINALLY, SOMEONE THAT AGREES WITH ME.”
    Inferno and Puma gave one another a high-five.

    Meanwhile, in the opposite end of the red base, Cake was busy putting giant posters of Pie with his eyes gouged out everywhere in his cabin, muttering cruel cruelties and obscene obscenities violently under his breath. Ducky knocked on his door.
    “I heard that there’s an indoor pool in our base. Wanna come along?”
    Cake sighed. “Should’ve expected you to ask something of this nature, Ducky, after the ‘pool fiasco’ in basic training. I don’t see any reason why I should go with you, it’s almost guaranteed to end badly, and I simply don’t want to get stuck in a situation where it is, more than likely, not going to end well on my end.”
    “It’s either you go with me to the pool, or Nate makes you work. Would you rather be lazy, or be productive?”
    Cake considered this piece of logic for a moment. “Sure, I’ll go with you, I guess. I can’t think of any reason why I shouldn’t.” There was a minor pause before he added under his breath, “except if I go, I won’t be able to finish hanging up posters of this imbecile…” Cake sighed as he grabbed his swimming trunks, opened the door and walked with Ducky to their new indoor pool.
    The pool was large and clear and blue, looking quite serene and pleasant. It had its own private section of the main base building, located right next to the main hangar. Flight suits were draped on the walls, just in case a contingent of pilots who were caught unawares in the pool could run and put on a flight suit fast enough to grab one of the nearby jets and launch a counterattack.
    “I didn’t get my nickname in basic training, you know. No, there’s much more beyond that; it was a mere coincidence that they gave me the same nickname that I had gotten growing up. Wanna know how I got this nickname?” Ducky asked once they arrived.
    Cake looked at him in the way that one looks at another when they really don’t want to hear the story that they’re about to say, but they’ll listen to it anyway.
    Ducky began his anecdote. “My father… Was a drinker. And a fiend.
    “One night, he goes off… Crazier than usual. Mommy gets out our pet duck to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not. One. Bit.”
    Ducky’s voice grew slightly more sinister. “So, me watching, he takes the rabid duck to her, laughing as he does it.”
    A violently insane tone began to appear in his voice the way violently insane tones tend to do that from time to time before going back about their business. “He turns to me, and he says, ‘WHY SO WET?’ He comes at ME with the duck, ‘WHY SO WET?’
    “He puts the duck up to my mouth. ‘LET’S PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE.’”
    Cake winced.
    “Aaaaannnnnnd… Why so wet?” Ducky grabbed Cake, pushed him into the pool, and ran away, laughing maniacally.

    Pie and the Blues had finally arrived at their new base and began to set up shop.
    “Hey,” said Pie enthusiastically as he unpacked a pile of boxes, “I just got an idea as for what we could call our band.”
    “What?” Flyboy asked.
    “Pie and the Blues!” Pie threw up his hands in excitement as if one were to cry on another’s birthday, “SURPRISE!” and then reveal that the birthday gift he had gotten her was that he forgot to wear a condom the other night and that she now needed to get herself checked for a number of STDs.
    “You got that from Sky Voice, didn’t you?” Flyboy said, unamused.
    “Sky Voice. He’s been narrating our entire story so far.”
    “You mean the guy who’s been talking about girls and STDs and such?”
    “How long has he been there?”
    “Oh, he showed up and has been narrating the entire course of the story so far; from about when Bob showed up at our doorstep and everything went to hell to now.”
    “How come I wasn’t aware of this?”
    “Because you’re an idiot.”
    Pie considered this, figured it would explain a lot, and thus went along with it.
    One could explain away the majority of the world’s problems with the simple explanation that each and every one of us human beings, deep down, are all idiots. Christians have been using this fact as evidence proving that their religion is the one true religion as of late, arguing that if we were all created in another being’s image, and if we all are idiots, than those facts coupled together would explain a lot about our universe. Atheists, meanwhile, believe because the Christians have come up with this explanation, it is only further, conclusive proof of the world’s idiocy.
    On a completely unrelated note, Pie added, “Fly, how much programming skill do you have?”
    Flyboy thought about this for a little bit. “I like to think I have quite a bit of programming skill,” he finally said.
    “Enough to build a robot which could replace Bob as a source of comic relief while at the same time becoming actually useful?”
    “Can you do it anyway?”
    “I guess so.”
    “That’s a good Flyboy. Torn, how’s the flag?”
    “Still tattered as ever, Pie,” Torn replied.
    “Good. Bob, how’s the… Oh, right.”

    Cake had finally managed to pull himself out of the pool and was beginning to dry himself off when he heard a knock on his cabin door. He sighed and got up, half-dressed. He was expecting Ducky to come by and gloat about how he had just been pushed into the pool, but instead, he was unexpectedly approached by Inferno. He invited her in and she took a sat in a nearby chair, staring at the pictures of Pie with his eyes scratched out on the walls. She smiled slightly, seeming to enjoy the chain reaction she had caused in Cake’s mind, but quickly became engrossed in her thoughts.
    “Cake,” she said after a few moments, “I need your advice.”
    The suddenness of this statement took Cake completely by surprise. “Really, now? You need my advice? What about?”
    “I thought you were Ms. Tough-Girl, with the whole ‘I could really care less if I kill you’ sort of thing going on?”
    “That…” She sighed. “That’s a cover. I’m really not sure if I’m as tough as I seem. I didn’t use to be; I wasn’t always like this. A lot of… things happened to me, so I was forced to toughen up and became a mercenary right as this stupid war was beginning. I’m not sure if it’s a part of me or now. I’m not sure if I can even go back. I’m not sure who or what I am, anymore”
    “Why? What happened?”
    “It’s not something I like to talk about. I need your advice, Cake, will you hear me out? While I don’t trust you any more than I do any other members of this team… You seem like you’re the most competent one here.”
    “I like Nate, and he likes me. But he likes me in a way that I… really don’t like him. Simply put, I don’t love him. My heart belongs to someone else, someone I lost long ago.”
    “Shouldn’t you have gotten over him by now?”
    “I did… For a while. But on the trip here… I thought I discovered him again. I thought I found the one who I had been missing for some time. I’m not sure; he’s… changed significantly, at least physically, but his personality and name match up with how I remember him.”
    “Who is it?”
    “I’m… I’m not at liberty to tell you.”
    “Do I know him?”
    “Not very well, I’m afraid. He isn’t around with us anymore; I lost contact him a short while ago.”
    “Is it someone on the Blue team?”
    “I wouldn’t know exactly what to call him. He just seems… Out of place with the Blues.”
    “Is it Flyboy?”
    “I already told you, I’m not at liberty to tell you. But I need your help. I need you to help me tell Nate.”
    Cake nearly fell over. “Tell Nate that you don’t love him? He’d kill you!”
    Inferno broke down into tears. “I know. That’s why I need your help… Or at the very least tell me how I should handle it.”
    “Well… What I would do is try to convince him to break up with you.”
    “And how would you do that?” Inferno asked, tears still in her eyes.
    “I don’t know. I can’t help you there. You’re going to have to just wing it.”
    “Thanks, Cake.” She began to leave his room. “Sorry for losing my composure like that… I don’t like to do it, and I don’t do it often. It never happened, got that?”
    “It’s alright, I got it. Good luck with Nate.” Cake said, waving her good-bye.

    There was a long moment of silence as Nate and Inferno stood alone in the Red’s hangar bay. Nate was quietly surveying the new equipment that the Reds had gotten their hands on, preparing his ultimate battle plan for the attack on the Blues. There was nearly total silence except for Nate’s frantic muttering.
    “We need a new plan.” Inferno said finally.
    “What was wrong with the old plan?” Nate asked.
    “Well, back then, we didn’t have access to this incredible array of nukes,” said Inferno, her arm sweeping around behind her to show him all of their newly-acquired Longsword bombers, each loaded to the brim with missiles and nukes.
    “Do we really need to use those things? I say we just charge the base and lay the place under siege like we were going to back in Blood Gulch. If we put up a strong enough stranglehold on the blues, eventually they’ll be forced into submission.”
    “Nukes are ALWAYS the answer, Nate. I thought you knew that.”
    “Not this time. Nukes are not always the answer. Those nukes are too valuable to waste; you and I both know that.”
    Inferno sighed like she would if she was arguing with an idiot on the internet that wouldn’t see things her way out of sheer stupidity. “No, I don’t ‘know that’. These nukes should be fine to use. As long as it hits something, no nuke is a wasted nuke. I feel that killing members of the Blue team is always a good purpose for a nuclear weapon. Of course, I feel that killing anything is a good use of a nuclear weapon, but by virtue of the fact that you’re still paying me, I’m just going to use the Blue team as an example.”
    “You’re using the Death Star approach to problems. That never works out too well, especially not for the team using it.”
    “And what are YOU using? The Empire Strikes Back approach?”
    “Yes, I am, in fact. In The Empire Strikes Back, the Empire won. When it comes to using the Death Star approach on something, it never ends too well for anyone at all.”
    “But the Death Star killed billions more than the Battle of Hoth did.”
    “Yes, that IS true, but which battle do people like better? Which one is more covered in-depth with panoramas and video game levels and has become a part of pop culture in general? The Battle of Hoth, or the Death Star battle?”
    “That depends. Which Death Star battle are we talking about here?”
    “The first one.”
    “I think fan opinion is pretty split on the matter when it comes to that one, Nate. You have just as many Trench Run recreations as you do Battle of Hoth recreations, and you quite possibly have even more parodies of the Trench Run than you do the Battle of Hoth.”
    “No, I’m sure people would rather watch the Battle of Hoth over the first Death Star. The Battle of Hoth just seems cooler, for some reason. More people like it.”
    “But some people might want to watch the Battle of Endor over the Battle of Hoth. Who wouldn’t want to hear Ackbar scream that it’s a trap?”
    “The Battle of Endor is irrelevant.”
    “But it had a Death Sta-”
    “It remains irrelevant, and irrelevant never forgets. Get ready, for we attack tomorrow.”

    Chapter V: The Red Team Strikes Back
    There was a cool Canadian breeze flowing as the Red team got ready for the siege.
    As this was the northernmost, less-inhabited part of Canada, where the permafrost was very frosty and was very permanently attached to the soil, all breezes were cold, so it being a cool breeze was a given.
    Even calling it a “cool breeze” might have been an understatement, as the breeze was actually more of a “blisteringly cold” breeze.
    The Reds’ plan was to use several Warthogs full of missile launchers to surround the base and negate any escape attempts by the team trapped within.
    Nate himself was armed with a sniper rifle, and his job was to kill any Blue which stupidly wandered out of the base without a vehicle.
    If he were playing a videogame, one might consider this “camping” tactic unfair, and thus would get very mad at him for even considering to “camp”.
    Nate didn’t call it “camping”. He called it “a legitimate strategy”. He looked back to the cargo compartment of his Warthog to ensure that the sniper rifle was still tucked safely away. He looked to his left and saw that his shotgun was still safely mounted to the drivers’ side door.
    The Red team had a bloodlust, and they were more than willing for a fight. It had been too long since they had last gotten the adrenaline rush of battle, and the Warthogs carrying the team raced across the snow with a purpose.

    Once he was sure that all of his stuff was in order, Nate began conducting his final systems check with the rest of the Reds, who were listening to everything that one another said via communications devices implanted within each one of their helmets,
    “Are all of your sniper rifles ready?”
    “Affirmative,” Cake answered.
    “Missiles loaded?”
    “Enough to stay on the attack for quite some time,” confirmed Puma.
    “What about our special toaster?”
    “Toaster? Right here,” Ducky replied. He fiddled around with something or another, and pulled out a toaster from somewhere in his Warthog. He lifted it up into the air to show Nate that he, in fact, had remembered the special toaster. However, as he did so, the Warthog ran over a particularly nasty snowdrift and a combination of wind resistance and the bump itself caused the toaster to fly out of Ducky’s hand and embed itself in the snow.
    Ducky decided to remain quiet on the matter and hope no one would notice that he had just lost their special toaster.
    “Good. Systems check finished; we have everything we need.”
    Inferno had a serious look on her face and glanced over at Nate, who was driving.
    “Nate… I have something to tell you.”
    Nate stopped the Warthog. The other members of red team all sighed in unison.
    Inferno went on, visibly nervous. “Nate… You’re really great and all… But I think we should just be friends, partners on a professional level only.”
    Nate grew visibly depressed. “You’re telling me this now, in mid-mission?”
    “Yes. I’m sorry, but I never had any other opportunity to tell you.”
    “Inferno, I have something to ask you.”
    “Would you take a bullet for me?”
    “…I suppose I still would.”
    “Good.” Nate pulled out the shotgun from the drivers’ side door and shot Inferno at near point-blank range. She tumbled out of the Jeep into the snow, and Nate drove off without looking back at her body. “Some women,” he said to himself as he raced across the snow once again.

    There was near-total silence in the Blue base. A human-like silhouette stood still as a statue in the center of the room, draped with a cloth. Flyboy stood next to it; the other two blues both watched as the unveiling was about to begin.
    “I’ve finally perfected it.” Flyboy said. He was attempting to majestically unveil a robot which looked almost (but not quite) identical to him, but kept getting the cloth stuck on the silhouette’s head. He took a great tug at the cloth. It finally came loose and the figure began to totter, causing Flyboy to rush to steady it. The armor plating composing its body was a bright sunshine yellow, but its face was a mass of grey, filled to the brim with sharp angles and seemingly designed to look menacing in every possible way. Red lights lit up where its eyes should be. “I’ve made my robot. I call him ‘Flybot’. He has my devilishly good looks and all the charm to absolutely KILL the ladies. And he’s yellow. Yellow is a pimp’s color.”
    “You programmed it to kill the ladies?” Pie asked quizzically.
    “Well, and the guys, too, but I’m hoping he’ll prefer to be a lady killer, much like his creator. They’ll be all over him, I swear.” Flyboy grinned, yet Pie had a largely skeptical expression on his face.
    “And having multiple ladies around is a good thing why?”
    “It gives us more chances to get some?” Flyboy tried to drive this point home with a playful elbow to Pie’s ribs. Unfortunately, this didn’t solve many of Flyboy’s problems, as he had elbowed Pie a little too hard and now was getting a sharp, hard, and unappreciative stare from his Commander.
    “Fly, I’m married.”
    Flyboy knew he was stumbling and falling, but desperately tried to salvage his argument much as one might try to salvage a burning plane which is falling from the sky with no tail, one wing, and half of an engine. “It gives me more chances to get some?”
    “Something tells me you aren’t going to ‘get’ anything. Since when is having more ladies around such a good thing?”
    “You’re saying that having Inferno around isn’t a good thing?”
    “Not when she’s trying to kill us.”
    “And how many times has she tried to kill us?”
    “She killed Bob.”
    Flyboy finally found a flaw in Pie’s argument and tried to exploit it as a way to land his plane crash of an argument. “No, snipers killed Bob.”
    “OK, yes, snipers did kill Bob,” Pie conceded, “but then she tried to kill us when you were caressing your Longsword. Remember?”
    “But she was doing it in the sexiest way possible.”
    “Sexy or not, Fly, she was trying to kill us. That is a fact. You know that is a fact. You are denying the fact that IT IS A FACT.”
    “I swear, it’s not a fact. Just because she was shooting really big anti-matter charges at us doesn’t mean…” Flyboy was at a loss for words. Even his flying skills were no help when it came to this plane crash, and the half of an engine he had left just fell off.
    “Doesn’t mean what?” Pie inquired.
    Flyboy shrugged. “Maybe she was trying to kill someone else?”
    “Like who?”
    Pie considered this. “OK, you got me there.”
    Pie and Torn stared at him, confused as to where this remark came from. Flyboy felt himself grow pink and tried to wave the embarrassing outburst away as fast as he could.
    Pie dropped the subject and turned to Flybot. “Are you going to turn that thing on?”
    “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Thanks.” Flyboy hit a switch and the robot came to life. The yellow body of the robot jumped to life and began to move about freely, its photoreceptors taking in the new environment which it shall take over and dominate sooner rather than later.
    “Hello there, humans. My name is FLYBoT: Fierce, Lying, Yellow Bot of Terror.” A violently insane tone began to appear in his voice the way violently insane tones tend to do that from time to time before going back about their business.
    “Something tells me that isn’t quite right, Flyboy.” Torn said.
    “Nonsense, I wouldn’t make a robot which would actually try to kill anything but the red team.”
    “You sure?”
    “I sure hope so.”
    Pie shrugged and turned to the robot. “Well, robot, what do you predict the reds are going to do?”
    “Kill you all.”
    “Before that.”
    “I’ll kill you myself before they get here.”
    “Wait, what?”
    “Oh, nothing, nothing, meatbag.” Pie was pretty sure that if the faceless robot had the ability to convey expressions, it would be scowling in disgust at the Blues. “I’ve analyzed the red’s strategies, and I would guess that they’re going to try to lay your base under siege. I recommend walking outside and simply telling them to stop.”
    “Very sound advice, Flybot, but I don’t think it will be necessary. We have all the food and provisions we need right here.”
    “How many missile strikes can this base take?” Flybot asked.
    “I wouldn’t know, mayb-”
    “Never mind, I’ve already done the math, you idiot human. The kind of firepower they’ll be bringing will cripple the base, but not destroy it.” It paused. “Pray they don’t use any nukes.”
    “So wait… They’ll shut off the electricity?” Flyboy asked, worried.
    “Yes. No internet and no porn until the siege is over and you’re all dead. You guys are screwed. Good luck.”
    Pie sighed as the first of many missile blasts rocked the base.

    Inferno lay on the ground for what felt like an eternity. She was betrayed by the one she thought that she had trusted the most in a moment of weakness, and she was uncertain whether she could ever trust anyone again. Her physical wounds alone were mortal unless she received some medical care, and quickly, and her mental wounds were only worsening her declining condition. But there she lay, mortally wounded and alone in the freezing snow, no human in sight.
    However, a figure lumbered towards her which wasn’t exactly human.
    Becoming a zombie, she considered, was better than becoming dead.

    Bob carried Inferno back to his ice cave. She was in bad, bad shape, and the outlook for the length of the rest of her life didn’t look good. She made a slight groaning noise as Bob hoisted her up onto the makeshift table he had made for her.
    He may have been an idiot, but he knew when someone wasn’t going to make it through this life for too much longer. It pained him to think of her possibly and quite probably dying, as she and Bob have had a long history together…

    It was four years before Bob got assigned to “N” company, and only a few months before he was forced into the military. Humanity had just recovered from a major war, but Bob was at home, happy and in a relationship with who he considered an awesome redhead.
    She did it all for him: she cooked, she cleaned, and she did everything for him… All in return for his love, and nothing more. Bob knew that he wasn’t the best or the brightest of people, but he was happy that she had chosen him as her boyfriend, against all odds. He tried to prove this to her with his love, but he seemed to be his own worst enemy. Any plans he tried to make with her always seemed to fall flat on their face, sometimes quite literally.
    But every time they did, she giggled. And every time she giggled, he wanted to do more for her, causing the plans he made to fall flat on their face once more.
    And so the cycle repeated itself.

    Her name was Cyan, and they had been together since high school. They were high school sweethearts, young, crazy, and in love. Bob brought home the money while Cyan did the work. The economy was entering an economic boom, things were happy, and the general public had no idea how close a revolution was.
    Then the day came. It was a Wednesday, and he knew it was a Wednesday primarily because he never particularly liked Wednesdays. They dragged on for too long, they had a funny name, and they just were unpleasant in general, so it came as no surprise to Bob the Wednesday that the men from the government knocked on the door. When he answered, they dragged Bob from his home and away from Cyan for what he thought would be forever.

    They knew Bob wasn’t the smartest, smartest, or luckiest of the candidates. Instead, he lay at the other end of the spectrum, and as such he was considered “expendable”. He was to be operated on non-stop as a testing bed for the latest in military procedures and experiments, as the doctors screwed with his brain and only managed to lower his IQ even further from what it already was. He began hearing voices from the sky which narrated what he did. They came and went, occasionally leaving him alone, but it began to drive him crazy because they were particularly annoying voices.
    The men from the government promised him a pet turtle. He got it and named it “Speedy”. One day, as part of his testing, they took Speedy from him to see how he would react.
    As it would turn out, Speedy’s disappearance affected Bob profoundly. He began to search everywhere for him, until the men from the government told him that Speedy had run away and had been shot by a giant superheated laser blast.
    He never was the same again.
    Bob returned to Cyan a changed man. He still loved her, but he knew that he wasn’t the man who she fell in love with. He was a man who had been altered by the government in ways that she couldn’t possibly imagine. Bob was changed, and he knew it.
    The worst part was he wasn’t sure if it was going to happen again. He tried to be there for Cyan, he tried to carry on life as it was before they took him, he tried to make her laugh, smile, love and giggle again… But he knew that she couldn’t love him anymore.

    In reality, things were quite the opposite. Cyan still loved him dearly… But she wasn’t sure what they had done to him. She wasn’t sure if he was now secretly a spy for the government or quite possibly something even worse, and as she was the brains (of a sort) in the relationship, she knew that Bob himself couldn’t know, either.
    By now it was only a month before the war. Tensions were beginning to rise, and Cyan feared that Bob would be taken away, drafted by the government and forced to fight on their side. She tried to be there for him, but her attempts failed worse than Bob’s own attempts to do things earlier on in their relationship.
    She had predicted correctly, as it wasn’t long until the men from the government arrived again, this time armed with guns. They forcibly made Bob sign a form which drafted him into the army until at least war’s end, if not longer.
    Cyan was heartbroken; she loved him, and now there was a very good chance that she would never see him again. In desperation, she tried to join the army as well, but the fascist government had put restrictions on women and did not allow them to fight in their army.
    She tried to join the other side’s forces, the Communist Red Army, but she was again denied as she was a female and thus not allowed to join their army, either.

    In a fit of desperation, Cyan decided to become a mercenary. She attempted to buy a midnight blue suit of armor in remembrance of Bob’s favorite color, but she wound up having to purchase midnight black armor, as the midnight blue was sold out.
    She hid her identity behind Bob’s old helmet that he had bought for her old pastime of paintballing, upgraded the armor plating protecting it, and equipped it with a voice changer to disguise her voice.
    Then she adopted a new name: “Inferno”.
    To any casual onlooker, she was a man when she was wearing her armor. And so she masqueraded as a man, joining mercenary websites and looking for work, always hoping to meet Bob once again, even if it was on the field of battle. Once she had met him, she was going to remove her helmet and show him who she really was. The plan from then on was to desert and run far away from the military, possibly getting off-planet if they could secure a ride and hitch a way to one of the Outer Colonies to start a new life together.
    It was four long years without him. Four years of murdering innocents for money, putting on a tough face whilst also constantly searching for the love of her life. It had hardened her, changed her, and it had made her ruthless and quite possibly insane. In fact, she knew it had, for it had been four years of heartbreak. But she knew Bob as well. Even if they were both changed for the worse, she knew he would take her back and they would make it work.
    She knew that they would find a way, no matter what.

    Bob sat there in his ice cave, reflecting on this. A tear formed in his eye as Inferno’s breaths grew shallower and shallower. He looked at her and instantly remembered why she had looked so familiar in the past.
    “I’m sorry I have to do this, Cyan.” Bob said, and he took a soft bite of her shoulder, infecting her with the zombification virus which would make her into someone just like him.
    Looking back, Bob thought, maybe he wasn’t as dumb as he always made himself out to be. Maybe he deserves more than just being “comic relief”. But that wasn’t the point.
    He didn’t need to be funny to be loved. He had Cyan.
    As adored as he was by the people who have read his antics in this story so far, maybe he did have some brains after all.
    He certainly was hungry for them.

    Quote Originally Posted by English Mobster View Post
    Oh, hello there.
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    Some recent news:

    • I was at what essentially amounts to a model train swap meet in the Ontario Convention Center (in Ontario, CA, the convention center is just a few blocks from my house, actually), from which I acquired 2 new engines: a Santa Fe Dash 8 (the red engine in the video above) and a Santa Fe GP-50 to complement my OTHER Santa Fe SD-40. The GP-50/SD-40 team will eventually be used for light freight duty and switching coal cars at the coal yard; the Dash 8 will be used for heavy jobs like pulling coal or container trains. And yes, I WILL repaint some of the train cars and make them TF2 colors with "Red" and "Blu" on them, just because I'm cool like that. Look at the TF2 train prefabs in Hammer to see what I'm talking about.
    • Since my last update, I have been working on the technical side of things. This means working out the bugs and working with electricity. Lots of working with electricity. Electricity is fun for your body and for your soul. Electricity loves you.

    And I didn't forget pictures.



    Train car loaded with nails for trackwork on-the-go =

    And let's take a look under the hood:

    Every little bit of track is now wired up and ready to go. The train now has very little issues getting to any place on the entire layout; although the switch to the coal yard needs to be replaced (it causes a shitload of derailments).
    Last edited by teh lag; December 19th, 2009 at 06:21 PM. Reason: shot tags
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  6. #36
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    Could you make them shot tags?
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  7. #37
    Free Kantanomo English Mobster's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    Thanks, Laggy.
    I think my internet router's going bad, my FIOS connection is having REALLY bad connectivity, most of the time I can't even access the internet and when I can, pages load REALLY slowly and occasionally don't ever load at all.
    As such, editing my own posts is a nightmare ATM, lol, especially long ones.
    Short ones like this aren't too bad.
    Last edited by English Mobster; December 19th, 2009 at 06:27 PM.
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  8. #38
    Free Kantanomo English Mobster's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    I know you guys are going to yell at me, but I already posted the regular renders in the quick-crit thread.

    With wireframe:
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  9. #39
    left halo
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    Re: [GALLERY] The Abominable Snow Mobster's Abominable Stuff

    Seriously jay, stop making those worthless and stupid extrudes. They add nothing to your model, and make it look even shittier than it would without them. Furthermore go get some tutorials or something becuase to be honest its been like 5 months of you just modeling something and making the same mistake, over and over again. Your topology is shit, your mesh is riddled with non planers, and your adding more polys than you need to in ALOT of areas.
    Look ill even post some for you
    And I don't care if you have already seen both of them, becuase if you have you obviously missed the entire gist of the tutorials.
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