So Thora can make more 1080p Blu Ray rips.![]()
So I'm in the middle of Armored Trooper VOTOMS, and it is good.
Like, good good. Not a lot of hotblooded mechafucks (which I do wholeheartedly enjoy) or moeblobs (there's like 3 women with more than one line and nobody who looks like they're under 20) or teenage dreamboats. I have a feeling it's a niche thing, but I, for one, enjoy it a lot.
Having a main character that isn't a youthful go-getter, a plot that doesn't revolve around winning some epic megawar (instead, the far less glorious aftermath where all sorts of rickety shit that was supporting said war comes crashing down), and mechs that don't get technobabbled up to mechanical gods (yes Code Geass I am looking right at you) is refreshing for a mecha show to say the least. The mechs are utilitarian and ugly and I have to say it's easy to get to like them. Seeing the ATs rollerskating around while shooting fucktons of not-lasers is pretty satisfying at times.
The characters are enjoyable enough, as is the plot (which rarely dives into the unnecessary). I actually find myself enjoying the story as a whole more than the action, which is more than I expected from the series.
To conclude, shit's not bad.
Yeah, I've actually been reading about that one lately, Psgels has been blogging about it. I've heard good things about it... err except for the "Big Battle" OAV which was apparently shit. *puts on eventual watch list*
Oh my god. Dai-Guard.
A parody of Evangelion & co which explores all the ways that entrusting a fight against alien invaders to a giant robot is, in actuality, a horrible idea. (It's more than just a parody of Eva-type shows but that's really the strongest thing that's been showing through so far. The enemy designs and "actual" premise scream Evangelion.) The mech in question is a financial and legal nightmare for the defense corporation that owns it (what with collateral damage and all) and is, in general, the most inefficient weapon they could have possibly spent money on. I would almost compare the show's sense of humor to Gurren Lagann's (which it pre-dates by 7 years), but where GL breaks the laws of physics for jokes Dai Guard strictly obeys them.
Observe Figure A: Why giant drills are not good. (tl; dw go to 3:00)
I'm really enjoying this so far.
Last edited by teh lag; January 9th, 2010 at 09:03 PM.
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