k4is3rxkh40s beat you to that joke.
Also, no, it's nothing like K-On except the art. It's about a post-zomg-big-war society and a bunch of girls in the military. Unlike K-On, it's not even remotely about music. From what I've seen, it's going to be about the damn school they're in being haunted.
Last edited by klange; January 14th, 2010 at 06:23 PM.
First watch the TV series all the way through, then watch End of Evangelion. Nothing else to it really.
Death and Rebirth is a clip show, don't bother with it unless you want to see all Eva-related material. Rebuild is fanservice disguised as a "retelling". It's not finished anyhow (one movie is out in the U.S., the other isn't even on DVD in Japan yet IIRC, and there's still something like 2-3 to go).
Last edited by teh lag; January 19th, 2010 at 05:53 PM.
ending was ok, takes a rewatch to understand it. seems like they had no clue how to end the show really. japanese version was horrible, dub was better but shinji was even worse. shinji is literally the worst character ever. rei owns, im buying wallscrolls and a bunch of body pillows /nge
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