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Thread: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

  1. #1

    Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Hey so I'm new to modding Halo CE maps.

    I'm running a Zombie server and I've found a great map (Snowcast) but it has Halo1 weapons which have terrible meelees.

    So I need one of two things for it to work (preferably number 2):
    1) Extend the meelee distance - but I can't find which program would do this?
    2) Import Halo2/3 weapons (or just import the weapons from CMT Snow Grove) - IDK what program does this either..

    Can someone do this real quick? Or can someone tell me how I can do this if nobody else wants to?

    Could someone help me at all on this?
    I know you probably get bugged with modding questions all the time, so I do appreciate anyone who's willing to help me out.

    Last edited by POQbum; January 29th, 2010 at 01:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Rocket jump! Lateksi's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Well I don't think it's possible to change the weapons or melees without compiling a new map. So, everyone would have to download the zombie version of the map. If I got it right you're not wanting to do that?

  3. #3

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Definitely willing to do that. Not the best option, but it'll work xD

  4. #4
    Shaka when the walls fell sleepy1212's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    I think you can do that with some modding tools like Eschaton or one of them idk.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Geo's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    You could use modding tools, but that would require everyone who enters the server to have that modding tool as well. It wouldn't work too well :\

  6. #6
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Victoria, BC, Canada

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    The most practical solution is if you create a zombies-specific map that everyone plays on.

  7. #7

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Yeah creating a whole new map (a modified version of snowcast) is fine, most of the playerbase are willing to go download the map.

  8. #8
    Shaka when the walls fell sleepy1212's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Quote Originally Posted by Geo View Post
    You could use modding tools, but that would require everyone who enters the server to have that modding tool as well. It wouldn't work too well :\
    not so sure about CE but in PC that's definitely not the case unless your doing huge bsp switches or importing lots of stuff. basic changes like weapon damage/range/speed can just be on the server.

    aar, i'm not crazy about using mod tools but for something as minute as this change isn't going to get downloads so it's a better option than compiling a new map.

    E: oh shit op is different now. k cool.

  9. #9

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Quote Originally Posted by POQbum View Post
    2) Import Halo2/3 weapons (or just import the weapons from CMT Snow Grove) - IDK what program does this either..
    Someone is gonna have a day with you...

  10. #10
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Wouldn't u like to know?

    Re: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Quote Originally Posted by CodeBrain View Post
    Someone is gonna have a day with you...
    Too bad they're banned lol :P

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