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There were a shit ton of combo deals that could easily save you ~$100 when combined together. I went with the Phenom II X4 965 because A.) Thuban is nutty expensive for no gaming performance gain and B.) the X4 has awesome overclock potential with the 125W stepping. Granted, the Thuban black box also has awesome overclock potential, but it's still not going to be any better for games. For the GPU, the HD5850 and GTX470 were the same price, and the GTX470 performs better than the HD5850. You can always spend another $50-$70 to get the HD5870, which performs better than the GTX470. If you intend to do Crossfire, however, definitely go with the HD5850 so you can just drop another one in later. Also, the case you wanted for your i7 machine can be had in combo with the motherboard. Personally, I dig the red AMD-themed case myself.