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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #1271
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Technically, yes. To make it easier, all of the ones I listed have combos, most with each other to boot. I don't know how you want to arrange it, so play around with the combos until you are satisfied (or dissatisfied) with the prices.
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  2. #1272

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Alright, so I just came up on a 7900GT, which isn't the greatest today, but it would be a step up from my Radeon 3650. Thing is, I'm not sure if I'd be able to use it.

    AMD Athlon X2 3800+
    1GB Memory
    325W Power Supply

    Obviously I know that I'm stretching it, but please don't start suggesting new PSU's. I'd just like to know if my current one is fine or not.
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  3. #1273
    :) Bhamid's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Simple answer: no.
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  4. #1274

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Would underclocking the 7900GT make a difference?
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  5. #1275
    :) Bhamid's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    It would, but only if you reduce the voltge as well. Because it was a high-end card, I don't know if even with the underclock the PSU would be able to handle it. Also, check if it would fit in your case, if you're looking at it online
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  6. #1276
    Join Date
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    SoCal, US

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Should I buy the Logitech G500 mouse to replace a Logitech Optical mouse? Normally, I use the mouse to browse the web a lot (lots of scrolling), to play first person shooters (namely Crysis series, Halo series), multimedia (a must), and productivity (a ton of school work). Right now the Logitech G500 @ Newegg is pretty cheap due to the memorial weekend sale (?) and take into account the Mail-in-Rebate, which is $20. The grand total it seems for me with tax and shipping and all is $59.53 and with the MIR it's $39.53.

    Should I go for it or save up the money ($80 at the moment) for other stuff like some PC games I want?
    Last edited by bleach; May 30th, 2010 at 11:24 PM.
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  7. #1277
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Can anyone find a $50-70 gfx card that's PCI-Express and works pretty good? I want to put one in my desktop pc, because right now it's running integrated graphics.

    e: how good is this? I looked at similar products of this since you can't buy it anymore.
    Last edited by ThePlague; May 30th, 2010 at 06:39 PM.
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  8. #1278

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    It's decent, what do you plan to use it for?
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  9. #1279
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Well, right now I can't play games on my desktop, and can barely edit videos using Adobe Premiere. I want to upgrade to something so I can at least play Halo 2 Vista, and not just use it for watching videos and music storage :\
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  10. #1280

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Well, unless you get an Nvidia 240 series or better GPU you won't get any kind of increase in Adobe Premiere at all. I really doubt you'll be able to get a 240 series or better for under $100 anywhere. The GPU you picked out would play some recent games on medium-low settings and should play older games and play videos just fine.

    You SHOULD be okay to play Halo 2 Vista.
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