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Thread: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

  1. #11
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by n00b1n8R View Post
    Wait, so your group is Marines Marines and Marines?
    How boring
    Still, at least all your armies have a sound canonical reason to fight each other

    As for the models, they're great for a first-timer. I really think you should check out the badab black/devlan mud washes. GW infuses them with some kind of freaky voodoo that makes everything (especially non-highlighted flat surfaced models like yours) look much better. They're great for beginners (no disrespect) and people more interested in having a presentible army for gaming than individual masterpeices that take 3 hours each. Slap that shit all over your model and you'll see what I mean. (Use the GW freebies first on your test model before buying, I'm not sure which would go better with the word bearers, just ask them)
    reference, reference.

    Also, why can't you play at your GW? Should be plenty of other people there looking for a game.
    (even if they are 12)
    Yeah, we're lame like that. At least I had an idea about what I wanted to do a long time before they did. I mean, the Space Wolves guy was thinking of going guardsmen, and the other was thinking Necron. But hey, I guess this is what we got. There was supposed to be a fourth guy who was definitely doing to be Necrons, but he decided that Warhammer was too expensive for him at the moment...

    And for the mud washes, that's exactly what I was looking for! I was looking at my models, and it just seemed that something was missing something to make them look awesome. I cannot thank you enough for this. Any tips on how to apply them?

    And I could play at my GW, but it's currently about 30 minutes away from me, and I don't always have access to a car. In plus, I'm moving into residence at University in two weeks and a half, and once again, I'll be about half an hour away from the Games Workshop by bus, since I won't have a car there. Not to mention I'll be quite busy too.
    Last edited by Hotrod; August 17th, 2010 at 11:53 PM.
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  2. #12
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Splash it everywhere. It dries more or less evenly and adds depth to everything so you don't need any skill to use it at all really. Just do it on a test model first (everybody needs at least 1 designated test model!)
    Or if you have to be neat, devlan for everything except the silver metals and badab for those.
    (doing it over everything gives a nice uniform tint to the whole model however)
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  3. #13
    ლ(-_-ლ) Reaper Man's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

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  4. #14
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reaper Man View Post
    Figures the asian goes for Tau
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  5. #15
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reaper Man View Post

    I think I win.

    Yeah, so my camera ran out of batteries, so that other update will have to wait. However, I have a question for all of you since I need your opinion. I've been looking at my army, and I find it's a tad stale due to the fact that they're ALL the same in the sense that they have red armor with golden trim. Any ideas on how to have a bit more variety while keeping them distinctly World Eaters?
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  6. #16
    Senior Member thehoodedsmack's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    You could try using an exacto-knife to score dents, cuts, and marks in the armor, to give them a worn appearance. Or try using Green Stuff to create unique weapons for characters. Since they're Chaos, you could add some more graphic details, such as enemy heads and trophies hanging off them. Of course that would require you to buy parts just for that purpose, so that's usually reserved for something like competition modeling.

    You could also try painting unique symbols onto the shoulders of your Sergeants/HQ equivalents, giving them a personal feel. That's why I prefer Custom Chapters, as I'll end up giving most of my army individual names and back-story.
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  7. #17
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    I'm loving the idea of using the exacto-knife to put in dents and cuts. In fact, I'll probably go do that once I get off the computer. I was also thinking of maybe changing around the paint. Maybe have a few guys with gold shoulders and lower legs, and having a red trim there, or maybe having a few of them with black helmets or...I dunno. That's really what I'm asking for when I say variety, any ideas about that?
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  8. #18
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Do dents with a pin vice.
    Vary the cuts between straight lines (chanswords, etc) and small sets of parallel lines (claws).

    If you employ a little google-fu, there's so many tutorials out there on this stuff.

    Also you could probably grab an Imperial marine's tac or assault kit (especially the assult legs) to add some dynamic poses/looted equipment to your army (these guys are effectively loosly-organised raiders these days IIRC).
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  9. #19
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Yeah, so I had a little fun and scratched up my Rhino and a test Chaos Marine, and I must admit, I'm pleased with the results. And for buying another kit of Marines, there's two problems with that. First, my guys are already all assembled, and I'm almost out of glue (which is being kept to assemble my Defiler and to glue on the shoulder pieces of the rest of my guys. Second of all, another kit wouldn't be the best idea to buy right now, since I'm off to University in two weeks, and I need to save the most money possible. However, I will keep that in mind, since it's a great idea.

    Sorry for the lack of picture updates, my camera is still dead. I should have some more pictures tonight though.
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  10. #20
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Sorry for the double post (again), but it's update time!

    Here's some pics of my touched-up Rhino, note the scratches and repainted treads and bolter. Of course, it's not done being touched up yet, but it's getting there.

    And then here's a few scratched up space marines, just testing out a few ideas on them. Would it be better to paint over the scratches, or leave them white? What do you guys think?

    Now just a touch-up of my Aspiring Champion's helmet.

    And finally, the WIP of my Defiler. It's getting there, slowly but surely. Sorry about the crappy lighting in this one, it doesn't really do the model any justice.

    As always, comments and criticism welcome!
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