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The readme
And it's done. Part 3 of 3 is as complete as I'm willing to make it. Introducing:
-The Needler: On top of looking awesome, the gameplay's been reworked. Needles will no longer penetrate shields; it'll take 8 hits to bring a Spartan's shields down. Needles will still stick into unshielded targets, though; if you can stick 7 needles into an unshielded target before they detonate, you get a guaranteed kill via supercombine.
-The Impaler: Evolutionary variant of the Needle Rifle, later replaced by the Carbine. Comes with 3x zoom, very high accuracy, and a 12-needle clip. Needles have near-hitscan speed and will always stick to targets, shields or not. On a Spartan, 5 shots will bring down shields and 7 will finish off the health; these needles do, however, cause headshots, meaning good shooters can pull of a 5sk. If you can get in 7 needles before they detonate, you'll get an insta-kill supercombine.
-The Eviscerator: Heavily modified needler used by various special ops branches. Fires 15 homing needles in a wide cone. Fire too far away from the target, and the needles will detonate before impact. Fire too close, and the needles will arc around the target. But get the perfect range lined up, and it'll take about 2 shots to down somebody. Counterbalanced by a very slow rate of fire and a 6 round clip.
-For starters, I recommend you have some knowledge of how tags work before you start using these. They're designed not to be thrown randomly into your map, but to be tweaked, added to, and learned from. If you end up screwing up your tagset, don't blame me for your carelessness.
-Take a look at the tags this'll be replacing, and back up the corresponding files from your main tags folder. Copy and paste.
-To remove, replace the new files with your backup, and get rid of any other new tags. If you don't mind the clutter, you can just remove the appropriate tag references, but if you want all the tags gone, you'll have to do it manually.
Other notes:
-Again, I strongly recommend you have some idea what you're doing before you go pasting these all over the place. Remember, these are tags, not maps; you'll have to add in and recompile them yourself. If you know what's going on, it shouldn't be too hard.
-Remember to give me credit if you use any of the custom assets in your maps, tags, or whatever. As long as you acknowledge that I made what I made, feel free to use these however you want.
-Yet again, I'd also recommend that you try to tweak, add to, and improve on what I've got here. Ideally, you won't just be using my work, but you'll be learning from the stuff I did to make custom content yourself.
-I know that the Impaler sounds a ton like Bungie's Needle Rifle, but I swear I came up with the idea first.
I'm still screwing around with Halo, but I can't promise that anything will come any time soon. I'm trying my hardest to figure UE3 out so I can mod for an engine that that more than 6 people still care about, but who knows.