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Thread: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

  1. #1
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    Say it ain't so, what the hell am I thinking?

    Well this is not for my house, but for my dorm room in college. Wall mounting will incur fines =(

    However, Someone showed me this quote from another forum:

    I actually am a Residence Director in a dorm. The best way I have found, because I have done it myself, is to take two 1x6s and run them floor to ceiling. Mount your LCD to the wood and then slightly lean the wood against the wall and tie the top of the boards to the wall using wire and 3M command adhesive strips and wire. This makes most of the weight on the wood and only the Command Adhesive strips keep the wood leaning slightly toward the wall.
    I cannot use my dresser since it's in the closet. Though I may consider reorganizing my room...but lets save that for last. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I can do to "mount" my TV without using a wall mount?

    BTW its 32in.
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  2. #2

    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    The method in your quote would work well. I assume they're doing it that way to prevent any kind of permanent damage/alteration of the dorm room?
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  3. #3
    Shaka when the walls fell sleepy1212's Avatar
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    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    you could attach the 2x4's to the back of any piece of furniture instead of trusting tape, which sounds idiotic.
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  4. #4
    Chasing Meteors Sever's Avatar
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    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    Do that, just like mirrors are attached to the back of dressers. I'm a mover, and I've seen a good deal of design solutions, and mounting it to a piece of sturdy furniture is the best way to go. You could use a desk or dresser easily. Also, if you have space in your dorm room, but still want one dresser in the closet, see if anyone else on your floor will let you borrow theirs. Some people bring their own furniture, or just simply want the extra space in their rooms, so just put the word out and see if anyone is willing. If that doesn't work, or if you can't affix the supports to the furniture in a way that won't cause damage (busting up their furniture might get you an even larger fine than putting holes in their walls), just go down to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or the like, and pick up a suitable piece to stand or mount it on. You can probably find exactly what you need for dirt cheap.
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  5. #5
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
    The method in your quote would work well. I assume they're doing it that way to prevent any kind of permanent damage/alteration of the dorm room?
    Yes Sir.

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy1212 View Post
    you could attach the 2x4's to the back of any piece of furniture instead of trusting tape, which sounds idiotic.
    If you're suggesting nailing it, I can't do that to the furniture in the room. I don't have my own furniture to nail it on to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sever View Post
    If that doesn't work, or if you can't affix the supports to the furniture in a way that won't cause damage (busting up their furniture might get you an even larger fine than putting holes in their walls), just go down to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or the like, and pick up a suitable piece to stand or mount it on. You can probably find exactly what you need for dirt cheap.
    There aren't any Salvation Army's or the like near my school or the town...=( So I'll end up buying a stand from Walmart or online.

    I wish I could use Google Sketch or something to show how my room looks like. I CAN wall mount the tv on the wall, nailin' and stuff. However I have to use white putty or toothpaste (I'll get creative...) to cover the holes... Problem is, there's not really a good spot to put on the wall. Plus I'll need to find studs on the wall and Im not sure what is in between walls separating the other rooms...

    OH articulating wall mounts for the adjustable viewing pleasure!
    Last edited by Syuusuke; January 10th, 2011 at 12:27 PM.
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  6. #6
    Shaka when the walls fell sleepy1212's Avatar
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    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    if it's a newer model then it's probably super light and you could use drywall anchors which means you won't need studs. Of course this depends on the extension and weight of the mounting bracket as well as the condition of the drywall.

    there are also lots of ways to attach the stand to furniture besides screwing it. even using your dresser as a weight (similar to those portable basketball goals) with a stud L-frame as a mount.
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  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Re: Wall Mounting a TV without using a Wall Mount?!

    I am in a dorm room as well... I do not have dry wall to even put a hole. I have cement brick walls. What do you suggest to mount a tv? The only place I can put it is above the heater which comes off the floor about 2 feet and out from the wall about 6 inches. I am not able to run 2x6's from floor to ceiling because of this heater. How else can it be done?
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