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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #1631

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Didn't have Newegg 4 years ago though. So yeah, also not needing anything from them now lol.
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  2. #1632
    $20 bill y'all Bodzilla's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Warsaw View Post
    If you want ATI, get XFX, Sapphire, or PowerColor. MSI
    woah, all of those brands are the shitty "i sure hope this works and i dont have problems..." type of brands in australia.

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  3. #1633
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Are you for real? Sapphire is the top brand for ATi brand video cards in North America. I have personally owned four Sapphire, two XFX and one Powercolor video card. They all work excellent. I gave the the XFX ones to my cousins and replaced them with the two Sapphire Atomic HD 3870 that I sold a good couple years ago. I currently have a Sapphire HD 5750 Vapor-X that's overclocked higher than a stock HD 5770 and it runs beautifully. The Powercolor card is a Radeon X1600PRO that I bought in April 2006 and it's still kicking in one of my old PCs. Oh, and with the Sapphire Select Club, I get free stuff forever just for buying and registering a video card with them.

    MSI...I couldn't say. My friend has had his Gigabyte HD 4890 for a long while now and it seems fine so far.
    Last edited by Amit; May 29th, 2011 at 01:01 PM.
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  4. #1634
    kill anime users Rook's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Yeah XFX is probably the best AMD brand right now... my system is running a Sapphire at the moment though.
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  5. #1635
    $20 bill y'all Bodzilla's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    my bro burnt out like 3 sapphires and power colour brand ATI cards, after that he went the freelancer path and went a bit nividia AT ALL COSTS, I think he runs a gigabyte 5870 now and is perfectly content with it.

    Could be something like both our country's fruits.
    all our best fruit goes to america so make it look like australia has the best fruit in the world, and you guys do the same to us with your fruit.
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  6. #1636

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    K so his system is running:

    Intel Core i5-2500k @ 3.40 GHz (will OC more when he gets a not-stock cooler).
    eVGA GeForce GTX 570 1GB SuperClocked Edition
    8GB Corsair XMS 3 RAM
    500GB Western Digital Caviar Black SATA III
    Cooler Master CM 690 II Advanced Case
    Samsung 225BW 22" Monitor (1680x1050).
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  7. #1637
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    The GTX570 is a great choice of card.

    @Amit: My GeForce 6600GT is an MSI (rebranded as Apollo) and it has bee running amazing for seven years now. The first one I had was better though. The current one has a plastic heatsink cover where the old one had this massive aluminum heat sink with a large fan. Something on that one got torched, though.
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  8. #1638

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Here's what his WEI looks like:
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  9. #1639

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    This is my computer

    For a more detailed description, see this:

    It's about time that I get an upgrade, seeing that I have a computer that was made in 2008...

    Now, I want to get an entirely new computer, seeing as this computer refuses to accept any changes to it (for example, I attempted to put three different kinds of graphics cards in the computer, and by that I mean only one graphics card, but having to try three different times. And all of them resulted in the computer unable to produce anything 3D. If it tried to, the computer would crash.) and I know the hardware is outdated.

    I have set my eyes on this:

    Why CircuitCity you ask? Newegg doesn't have it, and Amazon, CircuitCity and CompUSA all get it from the same place for the same price. Other than that I like CircuitCity, I used to go to it after school (when they had those computer lobbies that let you play games)

    If you don't want to click the link, here is what it is:

    Intel 2nd Gen Core i7 4.6GHZ Overclocked Barebone PC
    This Bundle Includes:

    • ASUS P8P67 Pro B3 Motherboard
    • 2nd generation Intel Core i7-2600K Unlocked Quad-Core Processor
    • 8GB DDR3 1600MHz System Memory (4 x 2048MB)
    • Cooler Master HAF 922 Chassis
    • 750W Power Supply
    • CoolIT ECO A.L.C Liquid Cooling System
    • 4 Free Game Coupons (Mafia 2, Just Cause 2, Total Shogun, and I think Singularity)

    I understand what barebone means, it only comes with the parts listed above, and I have to provide the other parts. I already have bought another graphics card (got this for a really good price before it was deactivated) and I was planning on using every thing else my computer had (hard drives, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and other stuff) and I am willing to spend this much for something like this.

    However, I am wondering, is it a good deal or not? Granted all the parts by them self give a total of $870.93 (without tax) however the bundle has all the parts already installed (which is good because I am stupid at building computers) and it includes 4 "free" games (which, along with the parts being already put together, probably would make it $999.99)

    Again, I am willing to spend this much, however I am curious if it is truly a good deal, or if there is something better out there.
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  10. #1640
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Lol, I have a computer that was made in 2004. Funny part? I can still play most games at maximum settings. Mass Effect? No problem. STALKER? Got that (DX9). BC2 Campaign? Yup. HAWX? That too. AvP? Runs like a charm. FEAR series? Heh.

    Build as good as you possibly can. If you can get the general best (bleeding edge is unnecessary), you won't have to upgrade for at least six years. The i7 is pretty damn good. The RAM is more than sufficient. Which graphics card did you get? If it ain't a GTX570, GTX580, HD6950, or HD6970, you will have to upgrade before too long.
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