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Thread: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

  1. #1
    He who pwns jur face
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    over yer frickin' head

    Question To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    I've recieved a complaint from a friend of mine, whom I can vouch for, that without any evidence to prove he's using any form of hacking or botting, he's been banned from the Modacity servers in Halo: Custom Edition.

    I can personally vouch for this individual, as he and I have played side by side, in person, and I can attest to his skill on the battlefield.

    He's an Ace with a Sniper Rifle, and he's one of those few person's who are truly responsible for the "Sniper No Sniping!" quips passed around the servers.

    What I want to know is why he was banned without any evidence to back the moderator's convictions? I don't want to sound like a troll or anything, but calling someone a hacker, or a botter, because they're kicking your ass on a server doesn't automatically mean they're botting. It means you need more practice.

    There are several metaphors I shall now refer to that are absolutely true in the gaming world.

    "There's always something cleverer than yourself" - Merlin in "Excalibur"
    "There's always a bigger fish" - Qui-Gon Jin in "Star Wars: THe Phantom Menace"
    "There will always be someone smarter, faster, and stronger than you are" - someone in at least half a dozen other films and In real life.

    It angers me that the moderators of a series of good servers that I frequent often would be so judgmental and childish about being beaten at a damn video game that they'd ban someone without justification.

    I've played Halo for about 10 years now. I've learned how to compensate for lag, aiming ahead of a players current heading in order to get the kill, aiming farther ahead of vehicles in similar fashion to get the kill. It's not rocket science. You have to account for lag, and some people are better at it than others.

    The player whom I am speaking of is named, aptly, "inubuttigo", because he pretty much rapes the battlefield when he plays. He earned that nickname, and he uses it well. He's been playing for just about as long as I have.

    The one time he ~did~ use a bot was to determine whether or not another player was using one, and it turned out that he was right, but instead of that player getting banned, he got banned. He wasn't even a combatant at the time. He was merely an observer, but that didn't stop the moderator from getting butthurt and banning him from the server, and subsequently from the other servers.

    What you don't seem to realize is that not ~every~ person who uses a bot is out to ruin the game for everyone. He hates botters as much as I do. In fact, we hate botters so much that we actively switch teams when we discover a botter, to the botters team to disrupt said botter by tkin' their sorry asses(or trying to, you know how the lack of friendly fire goes) and keeping them from getting any kills and keep them from ruining the game for other players.

    I shall re-iterate. We ~HATE~ botters. So much so we actively seek them out and ruin their idea of 'fun' because what ~they~ consider fun, we consider a nuisance and a disgrace to the legitimate gameplay of others. These such persons therefore do not deserve to have 'fun' at ~our~ expense.

    SO what I am asking here, is that you find it in your heart to unban his IP, as he has done nothing more than attempt to level the playing field against botters.

    P.S.= Why the hell does hardly anyone in these servers speak English anymore? It makes it hard to be a team player when you can't understand what the hell someone is saying.
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  2. #2
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    I'm sorry you had a problem with the Modacity Halo servers; however, I'm not sure if your friend was banned intentionally. Aside from me, only three other people have rcon, and unlike in other servers, none of us are quick to cry wolf if we are getting owned by a better player.

    I've reviewed the server's banlists, and I haven't been able to find anyone matching the name "inubuttigo". Is there a specific server your friend is having problems with? Each of the servers has a separate banlist file, so it's likely that he would be able to join one server, but not another. I noticed that he last played in any of the servers was on 8/12. To be sure he wasn't using different names each time he played, I also searched the banlists for his unique player hash, which didn't return any hits.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Rainbow Dash's Avatar
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    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    I seriously doubt anyone with admin access to the moda servers would ban someone because they beat them at a video game.

    So please, tell us who banned him, so that someone can read the log and find out what happened.
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  4. #4

    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    Modacity admins wouldn't ban people out of jealousy over a video game. There's only one of two things that could have happened. That person was either legitimately botting, or being a douche bag and talking trash.

    Based on what I'm hearing about this guy's "skill," I wouldn't be surprised if it were the later.
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  5. #5

    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTriforceKid View Post
    It angers me that the moderators of a series of good servers that I frequent often would be so judgmental and childish about being beaten at a damn video game that they'd ban someone without justification.
    Not sure why you're angry since none of us admins would have banned someone without irrefutable proof that they were cheating.
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  6. #6
    A V A L O N TeeKup's Avatar
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    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    If you've been playing this game for as long as you say you have, you should know by now that only Mexicans play that game.
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  7. #7
    This place is just awful king_nothing_'s Avatar
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    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    If I remember correctly, I've banned just one person from a Modacity server, and it was for botting. There was absolutely zero chance the person I banned was not botting, as I sightjacked him extensively. I don't remember his name, but it had a bunch of alt-code characters in it, so I'm guessing it wasn't the person being discussed in here.
    Last edited by king_nothing_; October 3rd, 2011 at 11:15 PM.
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  8. #8
    Tick Gate 2014 Donut's Avatar
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    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTriforceKid View Post
    The one time he ~did~ use a bot was to determine whether or not another player was using one, and it turned out that he was right, but instead of that player getting banned, he got banned. He wasn't even a combatant at the time. He was merely an observer, but that didn't stop the moderator from getting butthurt and banning him from the server, and subsequently from the other servers.

    What you don't seem to realize is that not ~every~ person who uses a bot is out to ruin the game for everyone. He hates botters as much as I do. In fact, we hate botters so much that we actively switch teams when we discover a botter, to the botters team to disrupt said botter by tkin' their sorry asses(or trying to, you know how the lack of friendly fire goes) and keeping them from getting any kills and keep them from ruining the game for other players.
    two things here: one, when you say he used a bot to see if the other person was botting, do you mean a sight jacker? because if you do, definitely use the term sight jacker.
    two, is it possible he was autobanned for team killing? i know i had an unfortunate accident where a hog with 3 team mates veered off into my rocket and earned me a triple tk and an autoban. not on modacity servers, but you get the point.
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  9. #9

    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donut View Post
    i had an unfortunate accident where a hog with 3 team mates veered off into my rocket and earned me a triple tk and an autoban. not on modacity servers, but you get the point.
    That sure was a shit server with no tk grace!
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  10. #10

    Re: To whom do I speak about removing HaloCE player from ban list?

    a short while ago i was on a halo combat evolved pc server and this guy was calling everyone a hacker.
    eventually i finally got a kill streak and then he called me a hacker, and throughout the rest of the game said that me and 2-5 others were hacking.
    30 minutes later i was banned from that server.
    i left and played on a different server
    but now i'm finding that i'm banned on an ever increasing number of servers
    is there somebody to talk to about getting unbanned?

    P.S. i have NEVER hacked, nor do i know how to hack, nor do i have an interest in ever learning how to hack.

    P.P.S could it be a problem with my cd key? i used to play halo on my desktop but last week iinstalled it on my laptop as well using the same cd key.
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