well there actually was a big change in the code, i am only using one type of cache file. It also automatically creates the cache file, its funny because before this was all memory based. Then i found out i need to read the memory only once to do it all . So even though its RTH it still reads the map files to get the data needed because its faster.
its basically
and the RealTimeAdressModifier is the Maps "Secondary Magic" + "Map Base"Code:RawMetaOffset - RealTimeAddressModifier
@Ryx I guess i can add HotkeysCode:mem.ReadInt(mem.ReadInt(mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4008)) + 8) - (mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4000) + mem.ReadInt(true, 0x47cd7c))
TBH i thought this would get a lot more attention, because i remember when everyone was trolling me. When ever i even said i was gonna do this at all.
Well, there was one, and I googled and only found This. But at the end he says "Kant and another individual" stopped him from finishing it :|
If you tell me what that's about I can send you an rte for Halo 1.
esch... was like.... the.... i don't even know how to say it.
edit http://old.halomods.com/forums/viewt...77585&start=40 has source code too.
Last edited by Ryx; October 28th, 2011 at 07:08 PM.
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