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Thread: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]

  1. #1981
    Amit's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Post your PC pics

    Hey, it was a present, at least you didn't have to spend $100+ on it. When I bought mine it was $89.95 + 13% tax. A week later it showed up in Best Buy for $20 less. Imagine how mad that made made after I realized how my expectations of this product were dashed. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. I love this keyboard and won't replace it until it literally dies.
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  2. #1982
    $20 bill y'all Bodzilla's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    when you own a house, incomes are pooled together.

    no matter where the money came from i did buy it myself.
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  3. #1983

    Re: Post your PC pics

    I got my G110 when I was working at Best Buy for cheap.

    Now I have a second one that's brand new sitting in my room unopened in a box because Logitech customer support is awesome. I was having some issues with the keyboard randomly disconnecting so they sent me a new one. I decided to try the new software that happened to be released while the new one was shipping to me and it fixed most of the disconnection issues.

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  4. #1984
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Ha, I remember that. What good guy Logitech doesn't know won't hurt him
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  5. #1985
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    I had a Saitek Eclipse I. One of the original ones, not the re-branded Cyborg one, back when there was the option to get silver keys on black deck or black keys on silver deck with blue as the only lighting option for both (I got the former). Fantastic keyboard, built like a tank, brightness was great in the dark. The keys were hard to see in the day without turning off the backlight, though. Blue + silver = bad contrast. The space bar got a little wobbly after awhile, but it still functions just fine. However, I wanted to graduate away from tacky blue LEDs to something more...subtle. So, I bought a Logitech Slim Illuminated for $80 (along with the rest of my shiny new computer). I thought I was going to be able to use that $35 rebate, but it expired before I got my keyboard in and they wouldn't let me use it. Bastards. I was pretty pissed. Even worse, it went on sale at Best Buy for $50 the following week.

    Then a month later, my computer exploded.

    The Logitech Slim is a pretty solid keyboard. It's sturdy, heavier than it looks, looks fantastic, and feels nice. I make more typos than with the Eclipse, though, and I think that's because it has only slightly more travel than your average laptop keyboard. The back-lighting is strong and I can see everything perfectly in any lighting. My biggest gripe has to be the same one you see in all of the other online reviews: the function keys have the back-lighting on the icons and not on the number (i.e. the "Eject" icon is lit, but not the "F8"). I don't have the icons memorized, and I don't have the function row's layout memorized, so it's a hassle when I need to use them and it happens just frequently enough to be irritating.

    Oh, and whatever you do, don't ever pull the space bar out for cleaning. It will never feel right ever again if you do that.
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  6. #1986
    Bring it Nero's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Last edited by Nero; February 22nd, 2012 at 05:13 PM.
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  7. #1987

    Re: Post your PC pics


    I think you were messaging me earlier about GPU's? You don't need three Nvidia GPU's to run three monitors for gaming, only two GPU's (each GPU is limited to two display outputs). When it comes to triple-screen gaming performance Nvidia and AMD are pretty much tied now, obviously most Nvidia setups are faster than a single AMD card powering three screens since you get the bonus of SLI. I'll break it down this way:

    AMD Pros:
    • Can run more than 3 monitors in the future (5/6/9).
    • Hydra Vision or whatever it's called automatically lets you segregate the screens so programs maximize to the screen they're on instead of across the entire screen.
    • Can run three screens off one card.
    • Probably cheaper.

    AMD Cons:
    • Using one card won't get you very good performace.
    • Less driver updates.

    Nvidia Pros:
    • Better triple-screen performance.
    • Lots of driver updates for increased Nvidia Surround performance/compatibility.

    Nvidia Cons:
    • Requires something like Matrox PowerDesk to segregate monitors for efficient workflow.
    • More expensive (requires two identical cards).

    I'm sure there's more but those are my main issues.
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  8. #1988
    Can I haz coffee? hobojoe's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Uhhh......Is that a bike in your house/room? Or is this setup out in the garage?
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  9. #1989
    Gar TVTyrant's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Quote Originally Posted by hobojoe View Post
    Uhhh......Is that a bike in your house/room? Or is this setup out in the garage?
    Half house, half garage?
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  10. #1990
    Senior Member =sw=warlord's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Lancer you forget ATI does have Crossfire which is somewhat similar to SLI.
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