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Thread: Gesture Facebook login, javascript help :o

  1. #1

    Code Gesture Facebook login, javascript help :o

    so i installed this gesture addon for firefox, and it has the ability to run a custom javascript code when i do a gesture i set up.

    what im trying to do is make a gesture that logs me into facebook because my email and pass are long and im sick of typing them in.

    i know what your going to say, why not just have facebook remember my username and pass, well other people use my comp sometimes and i dont want to do that, i think that this will be a better option for me.

    i looked on google but im no coder and i cant figure it out, is it possible to do my custom gesture and have a javascript code enter my email and pass into the login boxes on facebook?

    help plz.

  2. #2
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Gesture Facebook login, javascript help :o

    You'd have to store your username/pass in plaintext somewhere to do so unless you want to learn how to decrypt passwords. There are anchors at the login fields, so you should at least be able to find the login fields to put information. However, what you're asking is a lot of effort for what amounts to changing your password into an easily copied pin number. Just make your password shorter.

  3. #3
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Gesture Facebook login, javascript help :o

    My password is 20 characters long, I can type it in less than a second, so its not much hassle.

    If your really that lazy I'd recommend storing it in a txt file, but add other elements of text around it. Then you can simple copy + paste your password from the text.

    For example:

  4. #4

    Re: Gesture Facebook login, javascript help :o

    figured it out

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