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Thread: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

  1. #2141
    Slightly Insane JackalStomper's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Took the 560ti for a test drive.

    stock with 3.6Ghz CPU and 1600 ram:

    Overclocked with 4.1Ghz CPU

    Will do a heaven benchmark when I finish downloading it.

    So far I'm impressed with the performance I'm getting for the price I paid.
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  2. #2142
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Getting my first big paycheck this upcoming week, and what better time to upgrade then now? My build right now is fine, but I really want to futureproof this.

    CPU cooler:
    Moar ram (already have a set of these):

    Adding that to an Antec 300, 6870 graphics card, a 750 watt corsair enthusiast power supply, a 64gb torqx SSD, and a 1tb western digital caviar blue.
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  3. #2143
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    If your current rig is fine, put your money into savings and keep adding from future paychecks. By the time your rig is 'not fine', then you'll have plenty more money to upgrade.
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  4. #2144
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Well thing is I wanted to buy these, and then put my older parts into another computer for my gf so we can both play.
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  5. #2145
    Slightly Insane JackalStomper's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Coming from a Phenom 925 the FX-4100 won't be a massive improvement, but will be able to handle more RAM at higher clocks. I would say go for 6 or 8 cores but given that I haven't run into any bottlenecks with the 4100 yet it seems like a solid deal.

    Only has a 4 + 1 power phase, overclocking could be sketchy.
    970 chipset, supports a single x16 slot, with crossfire at 8x. Absolutely no SLI, if you ever switch to nvidia you're shit out of luck. I've also heard the 990's have like %5 performance increase but that could just be bull.
    Don't know much about asrock boards, never owned one.

    Unless you plan on overclocking the SHIT out of that 4100 (think 4.6Ghz+) then the stock cooler should do just fine for you given some decent case airflow. Mine idles at 30C and under load barely breaks 45C. At 4.1 Ghz things get a little toasty, with high loads bringing it close to 50C.

    Nothing actually wrong here, just that having 4x2GB sticks makes the memory controller work harder than if you had just 2x4GB or 1x8GB. Should be nothing to worry about though, just commenting on it.

    What truly is 'Futureproof' using any setup right now in terms of gaming is rather up in the air. The next 5 to 8 years of games will all be focused around whatever hardware the new xbox uses. And until the specs are released building any mid-range machine with the intent to stay is a gamble.
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  6. #2146
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    What do you mean by sketchy overclocking? Like I can't go very far with it before it fries the motherboard and every component attached? And i'm hopping from an amd phenom II x4 925 that's stock clock is 2.8ghz lol. To me it's moving up quite a bit.

    With that CPU cooler I wanted something that I would be able to use for a long time. It's the one thing I want to have constantly cooled.
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  7. #2147
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    My new rig is pretty future proof, especially if the new Xbox is using an HD 6670 as rumored. Future-proof costs $3000 if you want to game at 2560x1440, though, and $1500 if you want to game at 1920x1080.

    E: Ordered parts. Went with the Dell 27" over the Doublesight purely for the inputs; I can play Xbox on it and hook my speakers up directly to the monitor to get sound. This is the biggest and most powerful computer I've ever built relative to the contemporary market...
    Last edited by Warsaw; February 29th, 2012 at 07:53 PM.
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  8. #2148
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Can anyone tell me what CPU I can buy to put in this thing? It's the motherboard that is in my other computer, and right now it only has a single core processor. If you can find the CPU on newegg that'd be best, because I plan on buying that CPU cooler and more RAM I posted about before there.
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  9. #2149

    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    An AM2+ CPU.
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  10. #2150
    Senior Member Rainbow Dash's Avatar
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    Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!

    Processor upgrade information

    • TDP: 95W
    • Motherboard supports the following processor upgrades:
      NOTE: Only socket AM2+ processors are supported with this motherboard.

      • AMD Phenom II Quad-Core
      • AMD Phenom II Triple-Core
      • AMD Phenom Quad-Core (A) 9xxx series (AM2+)
      • AMD Phenom Triple-Core (T) 8xxx series (AM2+)
      • AMD Athlon X4
      • AMD Athlon X3
      • AMD Athlon X2 (B) (AM2+)

    idk why you'd need help with that lol
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