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Thread: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]

  1. #2011
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    I'd tell you why if you'd ask me in a form that made sense.
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  2. #2012
    Amit's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Post your PC pics

    What I mean is why is there a sound mixer and a giant speaker on your desk. A giant speaker on a glass desk. Is that a good idea? Also, what looks like a sub is on your computer case. Is that a good idea, too?
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  3. #2013
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Sound mixer is actually a big benefit to me. One channel is for my PC, another for my keyboard, another for my TV and another for my mic. I do a lot of recording so it comes in good use. The speaker has been on my desk countless times over time, its not 100 pounds and there is metal support beneath, lmao. So yeah, great sound and quality. Is it a good idea? Yeah it is. Also, that speaker isnt a sub. theres two more in the back of my room for surround sound.
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  4. #2014
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    That's what I thought about the speaker on the case. I was skeptical whether it was a speaker or a sub because it looks about the size of a sub from a 5.1 PC speaker set. But then it doesn't really make sense that you have such a small sub considering the other big audio stuff you're packing lol.
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  5. #2015
    This place is just awful king_nothing_'s Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Quote Originally Posted by t3h m00kz View Post
    esdf supremacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodzilla View Post
    who the hell use's esdf seriously.
    Discussion necro, but w/e, I want to chime in on this. As someone who just recently switched to ESDF a couple weeks ago, I agree that it's superior, at least for RPGs. If you're playing a game which you need a lot of keybinds for, it's better. It gives you more keys to bind to the left of your hand; it's as simple as that. I recently started playing WoW again, and I switched to it to give myself more easily-reachable keybinds. I actually don't even use ESDF in WoW; I just use ESF, and use D for another keybind. There's no reason to backpedal in WoW unless you're a tank.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cortexian View Post
    I don't get why you'd do it.
    As someone who has played RPGs a lot, I figured you of all people would be able to figure it out. It's all about giving yourself more easily-reachable keybinds.

    Between mouse buttons and keyboards with macro keys there's no point.
    The macro keys on the far left of some gaming keyboards? They aren't as easily reachable as W, Q, A, Z, etc. are from the ESDF configuration. As for mouse buttons, yeah they help, but even with the Razer Naga I just got which has 17 buttons, I still need a dozen or so more binds on the keyboard. If you have a ton of abilities you need to use, and want to keybind them all (I imagine you would unless you're a bad who clicks your abilities with the cursor), then ESDF is superior.

    Only thing is you'll be misclicking stuff for about a week until you get used to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donut View Post
    in practice, muscle memory would repeatedly pull my hand back to wasd.
    This. It took me several days (probably close to a week) before this stopped happening. Once your brain "unlearns" WASD though, it's great.
    Last edited by king_nothing_; May 1st, 2012 at 07:58 PM.
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  6. #2016

    Re: Post your PC pics

    I use WASD + Mouse clicks for skills on buttons. I never really have more than 15 skills in RPG's that I use often, so 1-5 above WASD + Shift/Alt 1-5 combos are plenty.
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  7. #2017

    Re: Post your PC pics

    I finally set the shouts in Skyrim to one of my mouse buttons. My god, that makes life so much easier.
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  8. #2018
    kill anime users Rook's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Quote Originally Posted by king_nothing_ View Post
    This. It took me several days (probably close to a week) before this stopped happening. Once your brain "unlearns" WASD though, it's great.

    esdf would be nice, seeing as I have a keybind on caps lock and lots of things using shift or control. Takes some hell of dedication to not use wasd though, especially if you play other games as well.
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  9. #2019
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Cortexian View Post
    I use WASD + Mouse clicks for skills on buttons. I never really have more than 15 skills in RPG's that I use often, so 1-5 above WASD + Shift/Alt 1-5 combos are plenty.
    Basically what I do for LOTRO. I used to use each set of 4 macro keys on the G110 to seperate types of skills (ranged, special ranged, melee, etc.). However, since I installed windows on the SSD, I'm too lazy to spend 2 minutes to set all the macro keys back. It's not hard to use the regular shortcuts to begin with so I doubt I'll ever use the macro keys again.
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  10. #2020
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Post your PC pics

    Alright so I finally decided to go out and buy the Corsair H60 because the weather is very very warm around here and it's making my PC run extremely loud. Since my current case doesn't have enough fan mounts to complement the H60's intake fan I also bought the Antec One mid-tower case. The Case was $45 and the H60 was $55. I ported all my components over to the new case, but I don't have 70% or higher Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the thermal compound off the CPU from the stock cooler, so I'm going to put the H60 in later. Overall, the noise is about the same, probably because I'm right next to the case and sound from the CPU cooler comes through the top fan. The top fan spinning at 800RPM (rear fan 1200RPM) seems to have helped with dropping my CPU temperature 10 degrees down to 50 celsius. I can't wait to put that H60 in there and see to new results.

    Crappy phone pics of the build so far:

    Last edited by Amit; May 27th, 2012 at 11:13 PM.
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