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Thread: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

  1. #51

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    Here's a bit of an update. I'm going through redoing a bunch of stuff since the loop and ring select thing makes so much more sense. Anyway, WIP as always, but please let me know about your complaints.

    Edit: Also I know it looks like things are tight, but like, when you're as near to it as you would be in game, things are much smoother looking. I just have no clue how to show off such a large vehicle.

    Double Edit: Yes everything is sub divided, except of course the old stuff.

    Triple Edit: I think I'm going to have to redo the hatch, the bottom section wouldn't come out right, it keeps pinching.
    Last edited by BobtheGreatII; January 20th, 2012 at 12:28 AM.
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  2. #52

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    the driver-seat-cover bit seems really... well it looks stupid.
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  3. #53

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    I like the direction you're going with the divers canopy, but I'd have to agree, currently it just looks, well as neuro said, stupid.
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  4. #54

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    It was in an attempt to go for the Halo Reach scorpion.

    Edit: I think the biggest problem with it now is that it's too bulky looking. I think it needs slimmed down. Also, why is it that you two are the only ones that post in my thread?
    Last edited by BobtheGreatII; January 20th, 2012 at 11:14 AM.
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  5. #55
    Bring it Nero's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    Doh. I post in your thread too. I want some love!

    Eh, its because us 4 and maybe one or two others are the only 3d artists that have a clue on whats going on and feel like posting. At least so it seems.

    Edit: Forgot why I came in this thread. Awesome work man! I'm loving the updates. =D
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  6. #56

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    Working on a Halo 4 Battle Rifle. Obviously this is the high poly:

    Grrr. This thing is made up in to so many pieces it's retarded.
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  7. #57
    Bring it Nero's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    Yea, I modeled the reach AR and it had so many pieces it was ridiclous. Heh.

    It's turning out, likin it.
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  8. #58

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    Going to have to change out the hex screws for actual flat head screws. And the scope needs some work... hard to understand a lot of the design from the pictures. And some other misc fixes. But it's close.

    Holy weird shadows, but whatever:

    Last edited by BobtheGreatII; March 13th, 2012 at 03:40 AM.
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  9. #59
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    You know, that little piece under the barrel bothers me and it seems extraneous. If 343i just removed that (maybe replace it with a torch), it would look a whole lot better in my opinion.

    How does it look from the front and top?
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  10. #60

    Re: [GALLERY] BobtheGreatII's Something or Another Creations

    :intersecting boxes:

    integration is key!!!

    also: area shadows, REEALLLYYYY????
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