I'm pretty sure they mentioned something about having different sound modes. I thought they were saying there would be a semi-realistic sound mode as well.
It's not just the sounds, it's how things behave. I don't want to see space ships blasting at each other with slow-moving, slow-firing energy cannons. I'd rather them do something like the Impulse Ray Emitters from X3, or detonating flak and huge 16-inch cannons...
Have you played the first release of Diaspora?
Well they said they're going to sacrifice some visual realism for a more cinematic experience. Lasers will be "bolts", though they're going to be fairly fast. I'd assume projectiles will have some type of tracer effect and missiles will have contrails.
And no I haven't played that.
Well, the minimum amount they needed to fund was 2 million. Their maximum goal was 6 million, that they attained within the funding period (6.25 million or something). Now they're at 6.98 million, though everyone who pledged after the funding closed doesn't get all the same benefits.
I've been following this game pretty closely but I'm pretty put off by the pay to win aspects, despite what the fanboys (paying hundreds for ships for a game that doesn't yet exist) and Chris Roberts espouse.
Most of those arguing that it won't be seem to live in some fantasy land where clearly you have time or money but never both or neither, therefore making everything perfectly balanced. Either that or they're redefined 'pay to win' so it doesn't apply to any game where you can acquire the same goods without paying, regardless of how much of a time sink it is.
Perhaps it'll all work out though. Time will tell.
Last edited by Btcc22; August 14th, 2013 at 08:07 AM.
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