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Thread: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

  1. #1

    Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    Index of benchmark threads on Modacity:

    1. Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores
    2. 3DMark 11 (DX11) Benchmark Scores
    3. Unigine Heaven (DX9, DX10, DX11) Benchmark Scores
    4. 3DMark Vantage (DX10) Benchmark Scores


    Lets get another benchmark thread going, start by downloading the Unigine Valley benchmark and then run it using the following settings:

    This benchmark requires DirectX 11 and you should simply be able to select the "Extreme" preset. To start the benchmark once you've got it running, just click the "Benchmark" button located in the upped left-hand corner of the program:

    To be considered for "official" entry you need to provide a link or embed a picture of your benchmark scores right after the benchmark finishes. Don't click "Save" and upload the generated HTML file anywhere, just hit "F12" as soon as your scores pop up and a screenshot will be saved to "My Documents\Valley\screenshots".

    Your benchmark results picture should look like this:

    Tips for improving your benchmarking performance:

    Before you start the benchmark:

    1. Close all irrelevant programs running on your system. This frees up resources that the benchmark could potentially make use of.
    2. Navigate to the benchmark installation directory, enter the "bin" directory, Right-Click on "browser_x86.exe", select "Properties", select the "Compatibility" tab, select "Change settings for all users", set the following options:

      When set you click "Apply", and then "OK". Click "OK" when brought back to the "browser_x86.exe Properties" window.

    Unigine Valley - Extreme Results:

    1. 5057 - Btcc22
    2. 4539 - Cortexian
    3. 3182 - Zeph
    4. 2723 - InnerGoatSE
    5. 2129 - JackalStomper
    6. 2001 - Warsaw
    7. 1826 - BobtheGreatII
    8. 1811 - Con
    9. 1547 - Ki11a_FTW
    10. 1403 - ODX
    11. 1378 - Bodzilla
    12. 657 - Higuy
    13. 613 - =sw=warlord

    Unigine Valley - Extreme HD Results:

    1. 4550 - Cortexian
    2. 4008 - koston82
    3. 4000 - CaTcHmG
    4. 3671 - InnerGoat
    5. 3214 - MemEx 680 SLI
    6. 3063 - MemEx 7970 Crossfire
    7. 2979 - Warsaw
    Last edited by Cortexian; December 28th, 2015 at 05:54 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member =sw=warlord's Avatar
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    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

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  3. #3

    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    All I did was follow my own tips on improving performance.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Btcc22's Avatar
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    Sep 2012

    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    I'll be back.
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  5. #5

    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    I like how even maxed out my 470's run with an average temp that's only 1 degree hotter than your 580. Unfortunately I can't push them any further than what they're at without artifacting and bad things happening.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Btcc22's Avatar
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    Sep 2012

    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Cortexian View Post
    I like how even maxed out my 470's run with an average temp that's only 1 degree hotter than your 580.
    Take a look at the clock speeds.
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  7. #7

    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    That's what I mean, maxed out my 470's are are 1 degree hotter, and you still have room to breath, though not a lot.

    Just shows what the bigger fans in those 580's can do!

    I'm still not sure if I should buy a couple of waterblocks to water-cool these cards or just start saving for some new GPU's. I think at this point, being 3 gen old, it's better to get new cards.
    Last edited by Cortexian; March 8th, 2013 at 02:55 PM.
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  8. #8
    For Auir! ODX's Avatar
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    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    I don't really know what I'm doing...did I win?:
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  9. #9
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    Can we just take a 2600k and 580 score and multiply it by 190% so I don't have to run this on my 2600k and 590?
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Btcc22's Avatar
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    Re: Unigine Valley (DX11) Benchmark Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeph View Post
    Can we just take a 2600k and 580 score and multiply it by 190% so I don't have to run this on my 2600k and 590?
    Nice try.
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