Hi there, i registered just to report this boter who is ruining the game experience in the server Modacity-Death Island, the guy has been boting/walling for a long time now, but this became a pain in the ass, so i need your help to ban for LIFE this @#!$&.
The noob uses the following nicks: El Vaticano,»VĜ«Nuev044, Style2, Axel.
His xfire: http://www.xfire.com/profile/axel485
This jackass already told me that he uses wallhack, but im sure that he's using some kind of bot, because sometimes he kills you with 1 shot in the head, with a PING of 253!
This guy and his similar boter/noob friend »VĜ«®†øm¥, have been banned already from other servers(dg servers to be exact). http://forum.dgclan.com/viewtopic.ph...514037#p514037
I really like the modacity server and i dont want to leave just for this little piece of sh*t, thats why i need your help.
Here is the proof:
C'mon the bot is obvious:
Sorry my poor english, im from Chile.
Thanks in advance.