they tried to oc the Titan for the OC edition and that is what happened
Looks like the fire didn't damage the fab itself in the clean room, but was something in air purification system. Prices will spike quickly from the drop in continuous supply, but they should lower after production resumes relatively shortly.
Whelp, at least now I have 16 GB of ram and a new GPU with GDDR5 on the way... LOL. Went with a Sapphire Radeon 7970. B/c of going with Ati, most likely getting an intel board now...
Also, for PSU's, would you recommend the be quiet! brand of PSU's? I want the PSU to be pretty darn quiet, and the company has some good reviews, especially for what they're going for.
Here's a list on ncix us
It might take some saving, but I'm looking at a 750 W PSU (I think 1,000 is overkill, but 750 would be good for OC'ing, as well as the 7970. If the cooler is too loud in the 7970, and i've put some time into saving money, I'll probably go with water cooling.
I'm thinking an Intel Core i5 for a CPU, I don't reckon an Octo-core is going to make much of a difference, so a quad is probably what i'm getting. Suggestions on a good Intel/AMD cpu? I know it won't be super cold if I get AMD, but their AM socket architecture is very robust, and seems to last between multiple generations of CPU's whereas intel needs a new mobo with almost every generation.
Double posting, but what do you guys think of this brand of power supply? I was trying to find a quiet PSU with a reasonable price, and this is the best I could find. 850-Watt PSU seems reasonable for the computer i'd like to build (an upgrade from the current 460 which would get crushed by the 7970 that just got in)
Not too bad, especially for the 80 plus gold cert. I think I might just go with that psu tbh. 850w had ought to be plenty for a 7970 some hdds and a disc drive tbh. Any reason why a 1000w would be better?
Well, the higher the rated wattage the easier it is for the PSU to power your componenets. That could mean less noise from fans kicking in, and/or longer lifetime for the PSU since it's not working as hard.
That's why I always go for lolhueg PSU's.
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