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Thread: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

  1. #41
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    The tone of 343 Guilty Spark was creepy, and the tone of The Library was desperate. My problem with Halo 2 flood is that they were too few in number. Carrier forms hardly let out any infection forms and they went *splat* instead of *bang* when they exploded. It was...lame. The screams were pretty terrifying, though.

    I would love to have another game in the same format as ODST. I loved the open-world roaming and flashback levels. And the music!
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  2. #42
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    There are actually tons of fans wanting a followup on Bucks story, who knows if 343 will ever do anything, they seem to want to almost entirely ditch bungie's characters.
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  3. #43
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    343i is intent on burying everything Bungie did, good and bad. They are out to prove that they can handle Halo, and I'm willing to admit that they know how to handle the gameplay. What they suck at is story. I'd rather they leave ODST alone and just make another game in the same format with completely new characters and stuff.

    Also, while we're at it, they should completely scrap Halo's legacy weapon-set and make a new, more focused set.
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  4. #44
    For Auir! ODX's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    Here's my idea: Make a game about Johnson, take heavy inspiration from Republic Commando. Instant fucking profit. Seriously I'm surprised no one yet has done something like Republic Commando did or at least if they have then I'm not aware of it or they didn't do it very well. Shit would work super well with Halo I thinks.

    Also going back further to the Library, that levels was fucking fun honestly. Fully loaded 60+12 round shotgun and plasma rifle, non-stop shooting, super adrenaline with some breaks spread throughout. Was and still is fucking awesome.
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  5. #45
    Venez voir maman. Tnnaas's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    Speaking of Johnson, how do you think he'll look with Sabre Interactive's new Mustache 2.0 engine working the upper portion of his cigar chomper?
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  6. #46
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    So I'm seeing tons of people willing to spend $500 for an xbone for H2A, most of them more excited for H2A then Halo 5. Which I must say, I'm on board. I would kill to go back to when Halo 2 came out. Halo 3 ODST was the last great Halo game IMO.

    If 343 takes Halo 2's initial style and just refines it and makes it next gen, I will pay $500 and whatever the game costs. Mainly if the original MP is included.

    343 needs to pull some fancy shit for Halo 5.. get Benjamin Burnley back in there to make another kickass song.
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  7. #47
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    I'm not paying $500 for a console- i'd have to buy a tv and extra controllers for $60 for 1 game ( or $50 used at gamestop) When I just spent ~$1200 bucks for this system and the crappy monitor. (4k, please come down to 600 at 24-30 inches). I can buy any game i want on pc on steam or humblebundle OR gog for cheap, especially during a steam sale. nope nope nope.
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  8. #48
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    If you have a monitor that can do HDMI and has audio out (not necessarily built-in speakers), you don't need to buy a TV.

    That said, even $500 for one game is ridiculous. But if enough people are willing to do that, it becomes a viable market to pursue.
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  9. #49 Rosco's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    I'm not paying $500 for a console- i'd have to buy a tv and extra controllers for $60 for 1 game ( or $50 used at gamestop) When I just spent ~$1200 bucks for this system and the crappy monitor. (4k, please come down to 600 at 24-30 inches). I can buy any game i want on pc on steam or humblebundle OR gog for cheap, especially during a steam sale. nope nope nope.£500

    you'll be super excited for this summer then
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  10. #50
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Halo 2 Anniversary (confirmed as thing now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosco View Post£500

    you'll be super excited for this summer then
    We're getting there! Though there already is a 4k tv for $400. It's just I want something in the sub-30 inches range.
    added link with edit.
    Last edited by Dwood; February 22nd, 2014 at 11:38 AM.
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